Aussie wrote on Jan 12
th, 2015 at 5:33pm:
WOW!!!!!!!!! He is a slap in the face....a huge one, but not from an unexpected source ~ (Anti-Corruption Champion Supreme Court Judge Retired) Tony Fitzgerald. He has never been coy about his outright condemnation of Newmann/Bleijei and he does not miss them here either. He also makes casual reference to the ALP (almost by default) but the anti Newmann/LNP thrust is quite obvious.
Link. Quote:the premier, Campbell Newman, and attorney general, Jarrod Bleijie, did not have the “slightest knowledge or understanding” about an impartial legal system and how it should be run.
“In practical terms, power has been substantially transferred to a small, cynical, political class, mostly professional politicians who represent, and act as directed by, one of the two major political parties which have entrenched themselves and their standards in the political system and collectively dominate political discussion and control the political process,” he wrote in notes handed out to the audience at the Griffith University school of criminology’s third biennial lecture in Brisbane on Wednesday.
Quote:He criticised Queensland’s Liberal National Party (LNP) government and the Courier-Mail newspaper, saying both were taking the state back to a “dark past” and treating voters like fools.
He referred to the skirmishes between the judiciary and the Newman government after lawyers and judges criticised the controversial bikie laws and the Newman government appointed a chief justice the legal community did not approve of.
“The opinions of people who have spent their professional lives implementing an impartial legal system in accordance with the rule of law and grappling with the complex problems associated with criminal justice were patronisingly dismissed by the premier and attorney general, neither of whom has the slightest knowledge or understanding of those matters,” he said.
Truer words have not been spoken.
This govt is only a government in name. Not in action. It is in fact a cabal..made up of many like minded crooks.
This state seems to revel in being the home of the shonks. This Govt in Qld is an example of BAD government.
But the uninformed still prattle out the verbal garbage they are fed by media. Proud to be a Queenslander.! ? NO not really.
Most Born-here Qlder's 'll bristle.!! But face it kids . in the last election you were bought off by lies ..and some sad parochial mindset that seems exclusive to BQ (born in Qld)
The policies of Newman and cronies are actually the
anathema to good government.