Emma wrote on Jan 14
th, 2015 at 12:31am:
Oh and while I'm on.. have you seen the latest propaganda... I've seen it a number of times in the last two days.
ADANI.. the company that will make us all rich.That is Adani . The INDIAN POWER coy that is intimately involved in the massive proposal to expand the shipping facilities in and through the Great Barrier Reef.

Yep they're going tp provide QLD with 10.000 apprentice jobs, massive fee payments, GST .. stamp duty and countless other benefits.. or somesuch bullcrap.
Frankly folks I'm surprised no-one has added to my comment about Adani. You do know don't you, that it is the Indian company which is driving massive expansions to the shipping through the Great Barrier Reef. The ones who want to build a massive addition to an already existing environmental disaster..
The REASON why the WORLD HERITAGE status, the protected status of the Great Barrier Reef is under extreme threat from GREED. OH and of course the NEED for Coal , and GAS.
Think of what could be achieved if all this money went into renewable energy. To me, it's a no-brainer. But to Newman and Team.. it means MONEY.
JOBS? just a handy excuse for pillaging and raping one of the worlds wonders.
Shame. SHAME.
And lets not forget how Newman and Team have allowed new developments to proceed, by BIG COYs, in fragile eco-systems, and koala habitats. By winding back Vegetation Protection law, they are directly responsible. NO question there at all.
The only people to really profit from Newman policies..???
His mates ..and multi-nationals.