Emma wrote on Jan 27
th, 2015 at 10:30pm:
The Newman government has done everything in its power to undermine the Law, and democracy in Qld. The whole lot of them are corrupt bastards who need the boot bigtime.
Whether Queenslanders are educated enough, in general terms, to understand how our Law works, and therefore understand just what a travesty this so-called government is, is debateable.
Having been kept in the dark and treated like mushrooms for decades, most Qlders haven't got a clue about what is done in their name, nor do they care. They know no better.
The extreme 'I'm a Queenslander ..we're the best' popular perception is rife, and based on jingoism and popular media. / propaganda.
Now there is a tool that has been well used by generations of QLD pollies.
Has the influx of southerners made a difference to the imbedded essential
QLD JOHism.? Guess we'll see on Saturday.. eh??

The state ran like clockwork under Joh.
you worked hard you got rewarded.
you bludged, stiff bickies.
The public service was there to serve under Joh.
They were there to be the humble servants of the wealth creators.
the farmers, miners and business men.
Joh didn't let morons get in the way of the state going ahead.
He was such a practical man, such a hard working man,
I had relatives who lived near him in Kingaroy. he fitted lights to his tractors and bulldozers and cleared bush and ploughed til midnight, 6 days a week, then sundays in church and with family.
A better time
a time of honour, grit, resilience, courage and sweat and true community.
Its all gone now.
just a state full of city brats walking around with selfie sticks, bludgers in public housing watching foxtel all day, gangs of all sorts of ethnicities slugging it out in the urban sprawl, highways of city wankers in sliver prados going to the gold coast for "brunch"
there will never be another man who can hold a candle to the late great Johannes Bjelke Petersen.
now we live in Sodom and gomorah.
it is a crying shame.