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The state of Queensland. (Read 51561 times)
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Re: The state of Queensland.
Reply #345 - Jan 28th, 2015 at 9:11am
aquascoot wrote on Jan 28th, 2015 at 7:55am:

You must have loved the brown paper bags full of money that changed hands regularly and the rampant corruption.

You must have loved the gerrymander that made him Premier with as little as 20% of the vote. With the Bjelkemander, the Liberals were robbed just as much as Labor because they consistently outpolled the Nationals but won fewer seats.
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Re: The state of Queensland.
Reply #346 - Jan 28th, 2015 at 9:37am
Bam wrote on Jan 28th, 2015 at 9:11am:
aquascoot wrote on Jan 28th, 2015 at 7:55am:

You must have loved the brown paper bags full of money that changed hands regularly and the rampant corruption.

You must have loved the gerrymander that made him Premier with as little as 20% of the vote. With the Bjelkemander, the Liberals were robbed just as much as Labor because they consistently outpolled the Nationals but won fewer seats.


Joh died almost bankrupt . only ever owned his farm (Bethany).

he was a god fearing man and a man of principles.

compare his wealth after 30 years in parliament to that of Russ Hinze who owned about 15 pubs, 6 massive properties on the gold coast,

Joh didn't even draw super, one of the few politicians who refused it.

great man....legend
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Ex Dame Pansi
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Re: The state of Queensland.
Reply #347 - Jan 28th, 2015 at 9:55am
aquascoot wrote on Jan 28th, 2015 at 9:37am:
he was a god fearing man and a man of principles.

The findings of the Fitzgerald Enquiry would dispute that and if he had not been so old at the time, a second enquiry would have been held and he would have more than likely been imprisoned along with his two cabinet ministers.

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andrei said: Great isn't it? Seeing boatloads of what is nothing more than human garbage turn up.....
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Prime Minister for Canyons
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Re: The state of Queensland.
Reply #348 - Jan 28th, 2015 at 10:06am
aquascoot wrote on Jan 28th, 2015 at 9:37am:
Joh died almost bankrupt . only ever owned his farm (Bethany).

he was a god fearing man and a man of principles.

compare his wealth after 30 years in parliament to that of Russ Hinze who owned about 15 pubs, 6 massive properties on the gold coast,

Joh didn't even draw super, one of the few politicians who refused it.

great man....legend

As Pansi said, the Fitzgerald inquiry would heavily dispute that. To follow up Bam, theres evidence to suggest that in 1980, SIr JOh paid the Labor party money to campaign heavily in Liberal held seats in order to reduce Liberal numbers so he would rule without a Coalition.

The only people who hated him more than uni students was his Federal National party colleagues
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No evidence whatsoever it can be attributed to George Orwell or Eric Arthur Blair (in fact the same guy)
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President Elect, The Mechanic
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Re: The state of Queensland.
Reply #349 - Jan 28th, 2015 at 12:41pm
John Smith wrote on Jan 28th, 2015 at 7:44am:
President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 28th, 2015 at 6:28am:
John Smith wrote on Jan 27th, 2015 at 9:34pm:
Newman is finished. Every die hard rusted on lib I know up here, has said they won't vote for the libs this time around. 

Whilst it would be nice if they ditched the libs altogether this election, even if they just got rid of Newman, it would be a good result considering how far behind labor is coming from.

when a party has had a massive swing against them at one election, usually they'll get a lot of it back on the next election...

its not rocket surgery...

but they don't 'usually'get back the premiers seat ... if you think this is just noraml business you need to pull your head out of your arse . Then public is pissed with the liberal govt. The libs can ignore it at their own peril

I didn't say that they'd win government...

but all the snivelling Labrat supporters will swing back again...

only performance will keep you in government and they have done a damn good job for QLD...

so LNP to win but with a far less majority..

they'll need to keep on track, stay strong and make the tough decisions to get QLD back into Budget surplice..

and with getting $1.10 of the GST while Victoria is only getting .90c a can't see how you could not balance the budget unless you are an utter mongoloid party like their State Labor
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Re: The state of Queensland.
Reply #350 - Jan 28th, 2015 at 12:53pm
A lot of dirt fell out when Qld Labor was defeated

For example, at a time when Qld's water supply was being rendered even more toxic via the extra, additional addition of extra fluoride (claimed a 'mistake' by Bligh when it finally made the censored news) -- at the SAME time, it became known that in Premier Bligh's OWN household, all water was rendered fluoride-free via very expensive, full-house reverse osmosis --- right down to the shower water

Joh was a canny old Lutheran. As a kid, we lived in his electorate, back when he still had dark hair

He wasn't too bright, old Joh, but he was a dedicated stand-over man

But he was regarded as a good-bloke.  Ask anyone.  A road built at enormous cost to serve his son's farm, for example -- and all the while, Joh was acting the fool and playing dumb for the hicks with his pumpkin scones and 'chooks' references

You could get anything out of Joh if he took a shine to you.  He granted a Master Builder's licence to a guy we know -- just like that, on the guy's say-so and not a scrap of evidence required

Good old Joh

Good old Goss

And good old Ruddy

Good old Russ Hinze

Good old Gold Coast Council

Good old unions and the bodies mouldering in the ground, buried in the dead of night

and all the rest

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Re: The state of Queensland.
Reply #351 - Jan 28th, 2015 at 12:54pm
Bye bye Campbell Newmann, bye bye!!!


According to Sportsbet's Christian Jantzen, Ms Jones is the $1.75 favourite for the seat with Mr Newman the $2.00 outsider.

"The backlash against Tony Abbott can't be helping Campbell Newman in election week," Mr Jantzen said.

"There's still around one-third more money placed on the Premier in Ashgrove, but in the past 48 hours we've received more interest in Kate Jones."

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Re: The state of Queensland.
Reply #352 - Jan 28th, 2015 at 1:48pm
Oh dear.  Here's an ever so jolly surprise, hey.  Newmann 'exaggerated' his claims  about falling crime rates being due to his wonderfulness.  What a Dick of Distortion this prick really is.  'Factcheck' blows him out of the water.

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Re: The state of Queensland.
Reply #353 - Jan 28th, 2015 at 1:53pm
Labor sucks big time

Libs are right on the nose

Looks like Queenslanders will vote for Pauline -- the way they tried to do before Abbott put the boot in

Let's face it -- Aussies don't have a decent government or pack of pollies worth a cent in the entire country

And most of us know who we have to thank for that state of affairs

but don't bother them at the moment because they're busy trying to use the UN to ban a negative word about them  .. and it's retrospective.  They want it to extend thousands of years back in time


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All my comments, posts & opinions are to be regarded as satire & humour
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Re: The state of Queensland.
Reply #354 - Jan 28th, 2015 at 2:29pm
Looks like Queenslanders will vote for Pauline -- the way they tried to do before Abbott put the boot in

Bloody hell.  Where do you get your facts from?   It is true that some Queenslanders in one electorate will vote for Pauline, but  do you genuinely reckon she will come within a bull's roar of winning the seat?
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President Elect, The Mechanic
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Re: The state of Queensland.
Reply #355 - Jan 28th, 2015 at 4:53pm
Aussie wrote on Jan 28th, 2015 at 12:54pm:
Bye bye Campbell Newmann, bye bye!!!


According to Sportsbet's Christian Jantzen, Ms Jones is the $1.75 favourite for the seat with Mr Newman the $2.00 outsider.

"The backlash against Tony Abbott can't be helping Campbell Newman in election week," Mr Jantzen said.

"There's still around one-third more money placed on the Premier in Ashgrove, but in the past 48 hours we've received more interest in Kate Jones."

who knows.. his last minute pork barrelling just might get him over the line.. Wink
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Re: The state of Queensland.
Reply #356 - Jan 28th, 2015 at 6:30pm
Some  more housekeeping.  Latest RechTEL Poll results.

"Goodbye Campbell Newmann, goodbye Campbell Newmann.'


Makes you wonder whether the LNP have an evil 'strong' plan to cause a by-election when he loses, and if they gain Government.

Come on ALP......ramp this up! Who will be leader......or who will be jettisoned so the Little Nazi prick can parachute in?
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Re: The state of Queensland.
Reply #357 - Jan 28th, 2015 at 7:21pm
Thinking out loud a bit here.  Newmann himself said that if he loses, so does the LNP.  That was bullshit.  But, ya do need to reflect that if there is an almost 10 point difference between him and Labor in his own seat where he is barreling the pork faster than the largest piggery on the Planet, how much greater is the difference State wide.

Fat Lady ~ post 6.00 pm Saturday night.  It will be quite a ride!
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Re: The state of Queensland.
Reply #358 - Jan 28th, 2015 at 8:39pm
John Smith wrote on Jan 28th, 2015 at 7:44am:
President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 28th, 2015 at 6:28am:
John Smith wrote on Jan 27th, 2015 at 9:34pm:
Newman is finished. Every die hard rusted on lib I know up here, has said they won't vote for the libs this time around. 

Whilst it would be nice if they ditched the libs altogether this election, even if they just got rid of Newman, it would be a good result considering how far behind labor is coming from.

when a party has had a massive swing against them at one election, usually they'll get a lot of it back on the next election...

its not rocket surgery...

but they don't 'usually'get back the premiers seat
... if you think this is just noraml business you need to pull your head out of your arse . Then public is pissed with the liberal govt. The libs can ignore it at their own peril

Ah  but Federally we have precedent. 

I believe there was an earlier one.. but don't forget HOWARD lost his seat to Maxine McHugh when he and his govt got the fate they deserved.

Hope it happens here and NOW to campbell and cronies.
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Re: The state of Queensland.
Reply #359 - Jan 28th, 2015 at 8:50pm
[You could get anything out of Joh if he took a shine to you.  He granted a Master Builder's licence to a guy we know -- just like that, on the guy's say-so and not a scrap of evidence required

Good old Joh

Good old Goss

And good old Ruddy

Good old Russ Hinze
Good old Gold Coast Council

Good old unions and the bodies mouldering in the ground, buried in the dead of night

and all the rest


Ah yes remember Russ Hinze?  Minister for Racing, and everything else.  Grin

YOU DO KNOW DON'T YOU ??  that Mr Russell Hinze was best mates with the Finks Motorcycle gang. Shocked  TRUTH.

He personally arranged for the giant old wooden beams that held up the old ROMA ST Station in Brisbane, after demolition , to be delivered to The Finks to build their now infamous clubhouse just up the road from Hinze's spread at Coomera.

Bet you didn't know that.!!  And jeeze JOH must have been paralytic not to know what his ministers were doing. So he was a good bloke, and a totally corrupt individual. The fact that he was  nearly broke was due to his own iniquity..and hubris,   nothing else.
The JOH trial was a farce of the first water, and we'll see more if Newman stays in.


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