[You could get anything out of Joh if he took a shine to you. He granted a Master Builder's licence to a guy we know -- just like that, on the guy's say-so and not a scrap of evidence required
Good old Joh
Good old Goss
And good old Ruddy
Good old Russ Hinze
Good old Gold Coast Council
Good old unions and the bodies mouldering in the ground, buried in the dead of night
and all the rest
Ah yes remember Russ Hinze? Minister for Racing, and everything else.

YOU DO KNOW DON'T YOU ?? that Mr Russell Hinze was best mates with the Finks Motorcycle gang.

He personally arranged for the giant old wooden beams that held up the old ROMA ST Station in Brisbane, after demolition , to be delivered to The Finks to build their now infamous clubhouse just up the road from Hinze's spread at Coomera.
Bet you didn't know that.!! And jeeze JOH must have been paralytic not to know what his ministers were doing. So he was a good bloke, and a totally corrupt individual. The fact that he was nearly broke was due to his own iniquity..and hubris, nothing else.
The JOH trial was a farce of the first water, and we'll see more if Newman stays in.