Emma wrote on Feb 3
rd, 2015 at 12:20am:
To listen to the losing LNP members.. we just didn't understand their message. ( tell ya guys we understood perfectly well)
The Filth Flegg tried to explain why with such a huge majority meant ignorant newbies who hadn't a clue.. they were Newman's cronies and did wrong things . GASP.
Never let it be said the LNP take responsibility for their abysmal govt. Nor do they regret their arrogance.
The best description of the FORMER NEWMAN GOVT. ??
No better than a bunch of schoolyard bullies.
Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish.!!!!!!!!!
Not schoolyard bullies at all.
Just responsible adults who told you you have to eat your broccoli and you cant just skip straight to dessert.
of course, sooks like yourself and pansi with no self discipline think that you can just have your dessert and you cry like a baby when you have to do something a bit difficult (like pay back a bit of debt and actually put your shoulder to the wheel and sweat).
But the day of reckoning is coming for the Emma's and pansi's.
It may not come for them , but it will come for their children and grandchildren as the state is taken over by Asian bankers who would be just loving the idea of labor further mortgaging the state.
It inter generational theft by pansi and emma so they can live like the queen and their grandchildren will have to sort this mess out.
What disgraceful people you are.
You should be ashamed