St George of the Garden wrote on Feb 3
rd, 2015 at 10:20am:
Not only that, it is the top end of town get all the handouts:
Not all the handouts, but a
lot more than they need.
(note: I rearranged the bullet points for ease of discussion) Quote:–diesel fuel rebate
–concessionary tax rate on super contributions, since Howard the super rich can avoid huge amounts of tax
–negative gearing
–concessionary capital gains tax
All of which need to be looked at in the quest for balancing the budget.
Quote:–get away with transfer pricing
–“Australia tax”
Multinational taxation is a world-wide scourge. The government have identified it as a problem but they are all talk and no walk. What have they done? Nothing!
Quote:–churches not taxed
Abolish the tax-free status of religious institutions. Allow genuine charitable works to be deducted against the tax at full value. Genuine charities would be unaffected (as long as they spend at least 30% of their income on charitable works) but sham religious organisations that do no real charitable works would start being taxed. Hillsong would be a case in point - $50 million income, $2 million in "charity" (at the most), no tax paid.
This is another area where a Royal Commission is needed.