St George of the Garden wrote on Feb 4
th, 2015 at 7:15am:
aquascoot wrote on Feb 4
th, 2015 at 6:50am:
Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Feb 4
th, 2015 at 6:31am:
St George of the Garden wrote on Feb 3
rd, 2015 at 11:05am:
BOTR—juvenile romanticism. There will be no revolution in Australia. There wasn’t even one in Greece.
Not a real revolution George, a people's revolution. Like this:
"A civil uprising popularly known as the
Kitchenware Revolution brought down the Icelandic government after the collapse of the country's financial system in October 2008."
2011–12 Spanish protests"
It wasn't the people that brought on the GFC and they've had enough of paying for it.
The people of Greece said no more austerity, the people of other countries that have been affected by the GFC will do the same.
The people v the it what you want.
We will do it at the next federal more squeezing the bottom rung of society, redistribute the wealth and the debt will be paid with less suffering to the minions. The money is there, it's just a matter of getting it from the right people/corporations.
you are beyond belief.
The people of Greece will do exactly what Angela Merkel of Germany tells them to do.
She OWNS them because, like you and your big spending ilk, they got themselves into debt.
And Angela Merkel and the german government aint got nothing on what the Peoples Republic of China are gunna do to your sorry ass when they come a knocking for the repayments.
There wont be any money of course in your socialist republic of bludgers, so they'll just take the assets
real estate
Intergenerational theft by pansi and emma and the lazy layabout socialist protestors, so that their grandchildren can be the white trash of asia, cleaning the dunnies at the chinese restaurant.
being "comfort women " for rich Asian businessmen.
You should be ashamed
No, you should be ashamed of peddling such simplistic nonsense!
We have a sovereign currency so we won’t be in the situation Greece is in either. If Greece leaves the Eurozone nobody will stop them then the can inflate and pay their bills.
Any similarity with Greece is this: both had rightwing govts before the GFC, govts that encouraged a real estate boom. The govt here used the boom revenue, and a boom is always temporary, to build into the Budget recurring spending on middleclass welfare and tax cuts ans did NOTHING to improve the ongoing regular economy. The extra spending, that Labor managed to reduce from minority govt, needs to be completely removed and spending the NBN needs to be stepped up.
We can cut $60Bn from the Budget—when is the Abbott led govt going to do that? Why are they going after pennies and trying to destroy education?
Your “heroes” Howard & Costello built in so many tax cuts and so much middleclass welfare that until that is removed no govt can do other than run a huge deficit in other than boom times! THAT is the reality any govt faces. This present shambles has just made things worse!
good comeback George. food for thought. the pain does need to be shared , you are right.
the problem is, that no one is willing to accept even a tiny drop of pain.
its the patriotic duty of all Australians to suck it up and stop asking for more.
you know when the GFC hit south korea, people took their jewelry to the parliament and gave it up to be melted down to help out the treasuary.
When Australian citizens reach that level of commitment, we will have won the battle. at the moment, its all sloth, turpor, greed and NIMBY.
and don't deny that the left side of politics, the international socialists, undermine patriotism all the time.
they hate the flag, they hate their own suburban backyard BBQ culture. why would your average aussie battler feel patriotic duty towards people like the greens who continually call them racist scum.