We have a Government that has demonised asylum seekers by identifying them as illegals and undesirables to justify the inhumane treatment we are applying to them!!!
We have a Government that is refusing to disclose what is happening to these people with no accountability or scrutiny disguised under the banner of operational security!!!
We have a Government that is placing these people in inhumane camps with no plan for their future and no consideration for their long term resettlement!!!
We have a Government that has overseen riots and a murder in detention that is refusing to answer questions or hold an independent inquiry to establish the truth and bring those responsible to account!!!
We have a Government that is ignoring accusations of torture and abuse by our military and brushing them off as lies without establishing if there is and validity to these alleged crimes!!!
We have a Government that is turning asylum seekers back to a country that is not a signatory to the refugee convention with little regard to their welfare or legitimate claim to seek asylum!!!
We have a Government that is ignoring a long held convention introduced to protect people fleeing persecution to countries who have agreed to assess their claims to asylum and respect their human rights!!!
After WW11 the world vowed to never let this happen again...It would appear we have regressed further than we thought under this Government!!!

The only freedom which deserves the name, is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it.
John Stuart Mill (1806 - 1873), On Liberty, 1859
Boat people claiming to be asylum seekers employ criminal people smugglers and partake willingly in their criminal acts aiding and abetting them.. fact...