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100 days without illegals (Read 28531 times)
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Re: 100 days without illegals
Reply #315 - Mar 31st, 2014 at 9:56am
John Smith wrote on Mar 31st, 2014 at 9:39am:
Grendel wrote on Mar 31st, 2014 at 9:37am:
John Smith wrote on Mar 31st, 2014 at 9:35am:
Besides Grendel ... even the article you put up says that the figure includes those that arrive by plane. Are you suddenly declaring a war on asylum seekers arriving by plane?

You sir are an idiot.... the facts are about 80% of claims initially unfounded are overturned.

Surprisingly, the Department of Immigration does not aggregate the figures for boat and plane arrivals

now who's the idiot?

Sorry to say Johnboy...  but it is still YOU!!!
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Re: 100 days without illegals
Reply #316 - Mar 31st, 2014 at 10:00am
MORE than 70 per cent of failed asylum-seekers who have arrived in Australia since boats started coming in late 2008 have had their cases overturned on review, undermining attempts by the government to end the people-smuggling trade by denying residency to boatpeople.

According to the Immigration Department 910 failed asylum-seekers' cases were reviewed between October 2008 and March this year.

Of those, 641 - or 70.4 per cent - successfully argued that their negative decisions should be overturned. The figures do not include the wave of failed asylum claims that can now be pursued in the courts following last year's High Court ruling - a development that is sure to result in more failed cases being overturned. Last year the government was warned the high success rate of asylum claims was one of the reasons people-smugglers were targeting Australia instead of other parts of the world, where the success rate was lower.

Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy
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Re: 100 days without illegals
Reply #317 - Mar 31st, 2014 at 10:07am
John Smith wrote on Mar 31st, 2014 at 9:35am:
Besides Grendel ... even the article you put up says that the figure includes those that arrive by plane. Are you suddenly declaring a war on asylum seekers arriving by plane?

Morrison’s statement that about nine out of 10 asylum seekers being accepted as refugees in Australia is accurate if his claim is limited to asylum seekers arriving by boat. Morrison was clearly referring to boat arrivals at this press conference, even though at other times it hasn’t been made as clear.

Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy
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Re: 100 days without illegals
Reply #318 - Mar 31st, 2014 at 10:11am
I remember reading once that our acceptance rate for refugee status was higher than most other countries, I think it was about 30-40% higher.


Morrison is broadly right. His reference to “nine out of 10 people” found to be refugees after arriving by boat is accurate. And he is correct that that 80% of primary decisions are being overturned on appeal.

As for whether Australia’s refugee acceptance rates are high compared with other nations, the only way to make meaningful international comparisons is by looking at all asylum seeker applications, not just those from people arriving by boat. When this is done, and to the extent that international comparisons are meaningful, Australia’s acceptance rate appears to be relatively high.
This means Morrison’s comment that Australia’s acceptance rate “doesn’t match what we are seeing in other places around the world” is a reasonable assessment.
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Re: 100 days without illegals
Reply #319 - Apr 1st, 2014 at 6:37am
NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 30th, 2014 at 8:13pm:
jiminy cricket wrote on Mar 30th, 2014 at 8:07pm:
rabbitoh08 wrote on Mar 30th, 2014 at 8:04pm:
NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 30th, 2014 at 7:12pm:
One issue of overstaying that I don't think has been considered here is the trafficking of (mainly Asian women) into the Australian sex industry.

Organised crime gangs in many parts of Asia (including China), fly these women in to work in brothels. Their IDs can be genuine, but also using stolen or forged passports.

Once here their handlers confiscate their papers and set them to work in brothels.

This form of illegal immigration and slavery is happening throughout Australia in all major cities.

Of course, they arrive by plane (with fake passport and papers in hand) so... no problems!!!

Excellent point.

I don't think the brothel industry has the capacity to take up the 50000 the ALP brought in by boat.

So, that's illegal immigration and slavery...

I'm waiting for the hysteria.

The clearest example of illegal immigrants entering Australia is via serious organised crime. These illegal immigrants arrive by air, not sea. They are sent here for criminal reasons (i.e. with no intention of claiming asylum).

Lawyers and human rights groups who attempt to represent or assist those who have been brought into Australia by illegal means (for the sex industry or other activities) put their lives at risk in doing so.

In the case of Chinese controlled brothels, lawyers are aware of the extreme risk of being attacked or murdered, to the point that certain establishments are not entered (sometimes on informal advice from authorities who fear for the lives of the advocates).

When some of these forced illegal immigrants are rescued, their stories are grim. They are kept hidden in safe houses until their families (who often do no know what happened to them) are contacted and they can safely be repatriated... Of course, what happens to them once repatriated, no doubt, is another story.

Its interesting that Andrew Forrest now intends to work towards ending world slavery (Walk Free) and (as he knows well) he could (and may) start by helping to end it in Australia first.

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Conviction is the art of being certain
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Re: 100 days without illegals
Reply #320 - Apr 1st, 2014 at 6:38am
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Conviction is the art of being certain
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Re: 100 days without illegals
Reply #321 - Apr 1st, 2014 at 6:38am
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Conviction is the art of being certain
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Re: 100 days without illegals
Reply #322 - Apr 1st, 2014 at 6:40am
Something's up with this thread!
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Conviction is the art of being certain
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Re: 100 days without illegals
Reply #323 - Apr 1st, 2014 at 6:41am
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Conviction is the art of being certain
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Re: 100 days without illegals
Reply #324 - Apr 1st, 2014 at 9:21am
NorthOfNorth wrote on Apr 1st, 2014 at 6:37am:
The clearest example of illegal immigrants entering Australia is via serious organised crime. These illegal immigrants arrive by air, not sea. They are sent here for criminal reasons (i.e. with no intention of claiming asylum).

This just in:

End of taxpayer funded immigration advice to illegal boat arrivals saves $100 million

Minister for Immigration and Border Protection. 'From today people who arrived illegally by boat, as well as illegally by air, will no longer receive taxpayer funded immigration advice and assistance under the Immigration Advice and Application Assistance Scheme (IAAAS). 'Access to any private and/or pro bono immigration advice by illegal boat or air arrivals will be facilitated by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, with all costs to be met by the providers of these services.
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Re: 100 days without illegals
Reply #325 - Apr 1st, 2014 at 9:28am
Soren wrote on Apr 1st, 2014 at 9:21am:
NorthOfNorth wrote on Apr 1st, 2014 at 6:37am:
The clearest example of illegal immigrants entering Australia is via serious organised crime. These illegal immigrants arrive by air, not sea. They are sent here for criminal reasons (i.e. with no intention of claiming asylum).

This just in:

End of taxpayer funded immigration advice to illegal boat arrivals saves $100 million

Minister for Immigration and Border Protection. 'From today people who arrived illegally by boat, as well as illegally by air, will no longer receive taxpayer funded immigration advice and assistance under the Immigration Advice and Application Assistance Scheme (IAAAS). 'Access to any private and/or pro bono immigration advice by illegal boat or air arrivals will be facilitated by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, with all costs to be met by the providers of these services.

Asylum seekers arriving by boat are not illegal immigrants.

They are, in fact, wait for it ... asylum seekers.

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Re: 100 days without illegals
Reply #326 - Apr 1st, 2014 at 9:29am
Grendel wrote on Mar 31st, 2014 at 10:11am:
I remember reading once 

Let me be the first to congratulate you.

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Bread and Butter
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Re: 100 days without illegals
Reply #327 - Apr 1st, 2014 at 10:30am
Despite all the carry-on, the fact remains that it is now 100+ days since the last boat arrived in line with an election promise made by Abbott.

It was a promise that the people gave a mandate to as they did in 2001 so I don't know quite what your major issues are.
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Re: 100 days without illegals
Reply #328 - Apr 1st, 2014 at 11:15am
Bread and Butter wrote on Apr 1st, 2014 at 10:30am:
Despite all the carry-on, the fact remains that it is now 100+ days since the last boat arrived in line with an election promise made by Abbott.

It was a promise that the people gave a mandate to as they did in 2001 so I don't know quite what your major issues are.

Scare-mongering politics at the expense of the rights of asylum seekers and refugees.

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Re: 100 days without illegals
Reply #329 - Apr 1st, 2014 at 11:18am

Prob 103 day without illegals now.
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