I have supported Abbott all the way to his rise and rise to Prime Minister.
Now I say that he needs a size 12 axe handle around the head, in his quest to have the States of Australia sell off their assets.
I realise there is another thread on this but I am focusing with this one on the need to give Abbott the Wake Up Call of a lifetime.
We need to let this bloke know that absolute power really does corrupt absolutely.
He has sold the lot of us down the river because there was NO MENTION at all of this programme when he was going for gold in the last Federal Election.
He needs to be told and told fast that the Electorate will not tolerate our assets being sold down the river to privateers.
These are our assets, our essential services which will be plundered by private companies who will then charge us the earth to turn on a light globe.
Write to the Federal Government, write to O'Farrell and tell them this is just not on, not for one bloody second!