Federal Government has not ruled out cuts to the age pension as part of sacrifices in the Budget

Jessica Marszalek Federal Politics Reporter
Herald Sun
April 01, 2014
THE Federal Government has not ruled out kicking some people off the age pension, as it warns sacrifices will have to be made by all for the Budget.
Treasurer Joe Hockey, receiving a commission of audit report that will shape May’s Budget, warned the Government had “run out of money”.

Blaming Labor’s legacy, Mr Hockey would not say where and what in the Budget he will cut, but said Australia’s quality of life would decline without tough decisions.
“If the heavy lifting is left on the shoulders of one group, or one age group, or one demographic, then it will crush them,” he said.
Indicating changes to welfare across the board, Mr Hockey said he suspected receiving less Government help would be popular with no one.
“But the fact is, sooner or later, governments run out of money and are unable to maintain current expenditure,” he said.

“Well, we’ve reached that point,” the Treasurer said.
Asked whether people who owned expensive homes should still be able to claim a part age pension, he said: “Well that’s something obviously that needs to be taken into account.”
He added: “These are debates that need to be had.”
An unlikely collection of business, union, social services and economists last month called for the family home to be included in the asset test, or the cut-off for part pensions to be lowered.
Currently, a pensioner couple who own their home can have $279,000 in assets and a single pensioner can have $196,750 and receive the full pension, no matter how valuable their home is.
A couple can have up to $1,110,500 in assets, besides the family home, and a single person up to $748,250, and still be paid a part pension.
Mr Hockey said that Australians were now living longer was something that should be celebrated.
“The question is, how do we sustain these sorts of payments and ensure that they are sustainable in 10, 20 and 30 years’ time, not just about tomorrow,” he said.
The Treasurer said health care and the National Disability Insurance Scheme must also be sustainable.
There is speculation he is considering the merits of a $6 co-payment for visits to a GP.