Sir lastnail wrote on Apr 1
st, 2014 at 8:58am:
Quantum wrote on Apr 1
st, 2014 at 7:57am:
The only talk is about raising retirement age. I cannot find anything about pensioners being hit. If you are currently on a pension then it is life as usual.
There's talk about including the family home in the assets test. That's so old pensioners will be forced to sell their home to rich chinese investors who will rent them back to them
I wrote the letter below to AFR, and surprisingly it was published.Dear Sir/Madam.
* In his article "Nothing should be sacred", AFR 8-9 Feb 2014 Brian Toohey puts a lot of emphasis on the cost of the age pension.
* As the age pension is paid out of general revenue, I wish to point out, that most of the current age pensioners paid a lot of taxes in their working life and now they are punished by the means test of the age pension. In the 1970's the top tax rate was 70% and a worker on the average wage was paying 50% which is higher than the current top tax rate.
* What the government should do, is, abolish the means test of the age pension, pay even millionaires the full age pension, but also abolish all tax concessions for super.
* Currently the retirees with incomes of over a $ 100,000 plus, do not pay a cent of tax, if the income comes from a so-called taxed fund, so they would rather keep their tax concessions, because the tax concessions far outweigh the age pension.
* There are also some recipients of a defined benefit super in excess of $250,000 per annum, which get a 10% tax concession, which at $25,000 again ecxceeds the benefit of the age pension, if they lose the 10% tax offset.
* Now if everybody, of pension age, received the full age pension, he/she could also realise the value of their often expensive homes, because their age pension would not be affected.
* I have great respect for Brian Toohey, but maybe he should look at more detail in regards to the Australian social system.
* As Hockey is mentioned in the article, "Without a social safety net, Honk Kong offers its citizens a top personal income tax rate of 17% and a corporate tax rate of 17 %", now would that not be very beneficial to people like Hockey on their incomes.
I'am sure Hockey would not relish it, to live in rabbit warren, like most people in Hong Kong live.