Just skipped through these
17 pages 18 pages.
Is Jesus [the Jesus of the Bible], real ?
In my experience, reality exists within ideas,
more so, than within this world. [e.g.
"I think, therefore..."
If you cannot 'believe' that, then i am sorry for you.
And on....
If you want to know if Jesus 'can be real',
for you, i would encourage you, to
actually read the Bible.
Then you will 'know' [...for yourself!], if Jesus is real,
for you.
If you choose, to decide, to read the Bible....
I would suggest you start with...
The Book of Psalms. ....my favourite book of the Bible.
The Book of Proverbs.
Then, read the whole of the New Testament.
Then, read the whole of the Old Testament.
But to just open it, and start reading, is good.
"The Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible."
Dwight L. Moody (American Evangelist, 1837-1899)