Life_goes_on wrote on Apr 5
th, 2014 at 6:16pm:
There's nothing like somebody who is trying to convince you that something is real despite a complete and utter lack of evidence of that thing's existence.
This discussion moved along way from whether Jesus the man was real or not many pages ago. Certainly since people like John started writing their own version of history and then expecting people to prove them wrong.
If people want to claim that the historically recorded Jesus in the history books that look at that time are wrong, then the onus is on them to show why all these book and historians are wrong.
If people want to claim that the gospels we have today have been substantially changed over the years (even though those very gospels are copies made in the second century), then the onus is on them to show what changes have been made, and explain how someone forged all these dated copies over one and a half thousand years latter that look like 2nd century copies that has tricked archaeologist since.
If someone wants to completely re right all history regarding Christianity, then they better show some consistency in all other parts of history as well. Totally ludicrous to raise the bar of proof so high for Jesus or any church matter, and then lower it down to normal levels regarding any other historical figure. History is simply a waste of time when there is no set frame work to filter information with. People who insist there is not enough proof for Jesus would quickly find many historical people and events being removed as well if they were to maintain the same standard.
So far a group of people who have a history of mocking anything or anyone Christian (John, Spot, Pecca) have claimed the history books are wrong without giving any evidence at all. Instead they think it is everyone else job to prove the history books are right. They have also shown to have no knowledge of the time period in question or history in general, but expect their
I know Jesus didn't exist and anyone who thinks so is just a Christian idiot type response to be a valid argument.
This is now just a group of atheist who have no interest is the discussion but are simply looking to provoke a response for the fun of it. One has to wonder why anyone who doesn't believe in anything would spend their time trying to convince others they are wrong, especially when they know bugger all about the information they claim to dispute. (The Romans changed Horus to Jesus and King James changed the Gospels in secret with the Vatican...
This is "It_is_the_light" type insane BS).