aquascoot wrote on Apr 4
th, 2014 at 4:16pm:
its funny how the people who always offer up these wild speculations and whacko ideas , would seem to be the people with the least basic business skills and understanding of how an economy works.
These sort of crazy articles are written every day of the year with NO substance.
Will the market crash, oh it could go off 20 % possibly, but the numpties on here who think THEY understand the reasoning behind this statement simply have no idea.
Its as complex a system as the weather . i doubt a super computer could model all the factors that feed into the property market.
Trying to guess what might happen is as loony as trying to guess whether its going to rain on christmas day 2014. ie, youre just guessing
When I moved to Queanbeyan NSW in 2000, the price of single bedroom units were between $20,000 - $30,000, with some under $20,000. Now these same units sell for over $100,000. The price was low due to there being an oversupply of housing in the region. Since then this situation has been reversed. So don't believe that the bottom can't be made to drop out of the market.
And I consider it as being my duty as a patriot to help bring an end to this disastrous situation. Housing prices have to be brought back down to reasonable levels. High prices destroy societies, they contribute nothing, in the end, to anybody.