Fair Dinkum don't you idiots read anything or if you do it doesn't sink into your big thick head.
This is a bit of what Mr Baumeister said
Quote:Mr Baumeister said thousands remain in Asia waiting for a fresh opportunity to travel to Australia.
"I'm pretty sure that there must be still in this region, a lot of people from southwest Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and Iraq who were on their way to Australia," he said.
"Usually people would come through Thailand or from Thailand to Malaysia, and then to Indonesia. So they are somewhere here in Southeast Asia - Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia. So what happened to them? That's one question, but I cannot give you an answer."
Then people come out with things like this
bogarde73 wrote on Apr 5
th, 2014 at 1:03pm:
It was clear few illegal immigrants were genuine refugees , notwithstanding the assessment process loaded in their favour. Why are so many paperless when they would have had to show a passport to fly into Indonesia?
ian wrote on Apr 5
th, 2014 at 2:46pm:
These people are not coming from detention camps in Indonesia, they are jumping on a plane in their home country, entering Indonesia legally on visas and awaiting their turn on the boat to australia.
chicken_lipsforme wrote on Apr 5
th, 2014 at 5:29pm:
But they are not crossing a desert or mountains except on a 767 flight are they, so there are actually none to be sent back whatsoever and never will be.
So come on all you brain dead if Asylum Seeker are flying into Indonesia how come people would come through Thailand or from Thailand to Malaysia, and then to Indonesia.
Also if they are flying into Indonesia they would need a passport and visa before they get on a plane and how would they get a passport and visa if they are fleeing their country.
Next time you go to put bullshyte up that you believe it doesn't mean that it is true.