Lord Herbert
Pickering on the rampage again ~ for good reason. Australia has welcomed and befriended people of varied cultures world-wide. We have always been multicultural, and we are much the richer for it.
There weren’t enough of us in the first fleet to populate or develop a nation. We were reliant on immigration to become one of the world’s major economies within a short 200 years.
The diverse cultures of China, Japan, Greece, Italy and many other European, African and Asian nations have joined our own unique culture to enrich the Aussie lifestyle.
But there is one culture that is alien to Australians who have, until now, welcomed all-comers... and that’s the culture of Islam.
I can already hear the loony Left screeching “racism” and “xenophobia”, but no fellas, it has nothing to do with race, it has everything to do with “culture”, a culture that will not, and has no intention to, assimilate and join in our celebration of multiculturalism.
Islam is an archaic culture embracing paedophilia, beheadings, severing of limbs, rape, incredible cruelty to animals, subjugation of women, sexual abuse of children and an innate, violent hatred of Christianity and democracy.
Everything we stand for, they stand against.
Anyone daring to challenge their beliefs is met with a death sentence in the name of their Allah.******************** The judiciary is a self-regulating body and, as with all systems that are permitted self-regulation, it will eventually become corrupt, undemocratic and fastidiously self-protective.
The appallingly low quality of Australia’s magistracy is a consequence of how they are appointed. They are failed lawyers, otherwise they would still be in lucrative practices.
Law firms don’t sack unwanted lawyers, they simply nominate them for the magistracy and the Attorney General signs off on them.
Even Julia Gillard, who is guilty of the worst of “lawyer” crimes, wasn’t sacked, she was politely asked to quietly leave.
Paedophilia is over-represented in the judiciary, religion and the entertainment industry. Actually it’s more than over-represented, it’s rampant, systemic and cleverly disguised.
Western nations practise the same paedophile sickness as do Islamic nations.
The difference is that Western nations closet it while Islamic nations wear it as an emblem of their “culture”.link