Rubin wrote on Apr 8
th, 2014 at 8:02pm:
Multiculturalism is something that has bipartisan support on both sides of politics. Australia was built on the back of its cultural diversity.
Multiculturalism has bipartisan support in parliament, because any politician would be a fool to say anything that is exclusive of other cultures' involvement. But that's only if the excluded culture concerned isn't predominantly white.
I don't know what part of the world you are from, but you obviously have no idea what Australia was like before the 1970s. And perhaps we should be talking about what Australia was like just before the 1990s, when we started seeing much more non-white immigration coming in to Australia. Because up to about the 1940s, Australia was almost exclusively majority British in immigration. From about the 1950s onwards, Australia saw migrants from Southern Europe. From the 1970s, we started seeing Asian immigration. Then we have the increased migration of non-white people coming to Australia from then onwards.
Quote:It is a whole of government approach not only to maintain but embrace and encourage more diversity in all sectors in Australia.
Imagine what would happen if they didn't. There would be claims of "Rayyycisssm!" being bellowed out to all corners of society, and then perhaps towards the world. Especially when there are other countries in the same boat that would just love to use a distraction technique to deflect attention away from their own failings.
We don't see this sort of thing happening in many of the non-white majority countries where the migrants have come from. They aren't as racially sensitive as the Australians have become. Why not promote multiculturalism over there, instead. I'm sure that many African nations could do with Chinese immigration, to help boost their economies.
I say bullshit that Australia was founded on multiculturalism. 160 years of European civilisation in Australia says otherwise.
Quote:Europe lays claim to the start of the 1st and 2nd world war so when it comes to living in harmony maybe not the best example to look at. The 2nd basically started with racial and cultural sentiment in Europe.
Ummm, okay? The first and second world war were basically about national territorial disputes, and loyalties in the aftermath of an archduke Franz Ferdinand being shot by some Serbian. I'm not sure how the first one escalated. But the second war was in response to the way the first one ended, with issues about regaining military and economic control of Europe a key issue. What's your point, Rubin? By implication, you are saying that because of two examples of wars with high death tolls in the 20th century, then all peoples of European ancestry have to shoulder the blame of violence? And that to atone for the sins of these wars, European people have to adopt multiculturalism?
From where I'm seated, I see no reason to be flooding Europe with Arab and south Asian people, when Europe is already full. All the more pertinent when you find that these Arabs and south Asian (Pakistani/Indian) people aren't known for their tolerance of white people, and have stated that they only go to first world countries to reclaim what they believe was stolen from them. For example, the idea that Europe got rich off slavery, or stealing resources out of the grounds of the very people who didn't know that these resources were there or had any idea how to use them.
Quote:So who cares what a few backward loons think if don't like the idea of living In culturally diverse country, then move on out and hopefully you're either Japanese, North or South Korean because as far as I know they are the only countries that have policies that promote monoculturalism.
Which is precisely the issue. We are having backward loons coming to our country and trying to dictate to the secular, western peoples of this country how to live our lives. In England, there are no-go areas for the native white English people, simply because the Arabs have set up communities where Islam is the way to live. Do something non-halal around these areas, and you are simply targeted by Jihadis who have no tolerance for multiculturalism. Numerous posters from other forums, and probably this one, have stated that Sydney is full of suburbs with ethnics who have vehement hatred of white people. Simply want to be here just for the benefits of what white society provides. I wouldn't know, since I'm a good 1000km north of there. But to suggest that people leave the country if they don't like diverse cultures overwhelming them, just leaves 92% feeling that some of the 6% non-whites should be the ones to pack up and leave. But you might not know that it is the white majority that takes flight, and makes there way up to Queensland and such places, to keep away from the foreign element.
Quote:You all have a nice day now
Blow off.