Andrei.Hicks wrote on Apr 8
th, 2014 at 7:30pm:
John Smith wrote on Apr 8
th, 2014 at 7:22pm:
True Blue... wrote on Apr 8
th, 2014 at 6:52pm:
cods wrote on Apr 8
th, 2014 at 8:28am:
beer carbs... how easy is it to stop drinking beer...
not as easy as one thinks...

my rule is, "never drink before a work day"
so that means only Friday after work and Saturday...
the main issue is Calories..
don't blow your daily allowance and you can drink as much as you want... which is about 10 beers if you eat absolutely nothing all day...

we eat everything we've always eaten in the past but we just cut down the sizes of the meals... probably more on the snacking side of things Helps a great deal... either don't do it or have an apple, banana or grapes...
anyways.. my KFC has just arrived.. toodles..
it's not as much what you eat as it is what you do ... get of your butt and walk. And I mean walk, not plod along like a turtle. A minimum of half an hour, an hour is better, at least 4 times a week and you'll lose the excess kilo's
It's a combination of the two I think John. Either/or gets you so far.
An example being a bloke at work we have in the US office.
He will spend an entire baseball game on the bike in the gym and there will be sweat pouring off him - Lord only knows what mileage he would do and calories he would burn.
But yet he's a still a big bloke - overweight even - why?
Because he'd then think nothing of going and eating a large pepperoni pizza for his meal with a large coke.....
for most people regular exercise is unsustainable...
you work all day and the last then you want to do is exercise... a lot of women work all day and then come home to cook tea... they aren't going to want to go out exercising..its time for them to put their feet up...
for me... by using the fitbit I knew I was averaging around 6500 paces a day... and, averaged burning around 2400 calories a day...
so our plan was to work out what 1400 calories a day looks like
so we adapted what we usually eat to 1400 calories...
so instead of two weekbix for breakfast it was 1 ... etc etc .. you'd be surprised how much you can eat on 1400 calories a day...
we used the Calorie King booklet to work out how many calories were in the food that we ate... we weighed and measured everything ...
but once you know how big the meals should look like then you don't even bother...
so instead of 3 or 4 potatoes.. you have 2... instead of 2 snags.. have 1... have a carrot and another 50 grams of mixed vegetables..
western society has become supersized.. we also purchased some smaller plates for when we have a paster dish...
Saturday nights we still have KFC.. but instead of the Two piece feed I get one rib piece and a box of chips... its plenty...
if I snack after tea I grab some grapes or an apple instead of crackers or a couple of sugary biscuits
my clothes are becoming lose again compaired to xmas time...
I am turning 50 this year and want to get back down to the weight I left the army at which was 88 Kilograms... I weighed in at 92.8 this morning which gets uploaded from the scales to the fitbit site and then they send you out the Badge...