Peter Freedman wrote on Apr 15
th, 2014 at 12:17pm:
The Exclusive Brethren are a dishonest and secretive organisation.
That's what the left will have you believe. Kevin Rudd, for example, and as you'll remember, branded them: " an extremist cult and sect". And followed it up with: "They split families and I am deeply concerned about their impact on communities across Australia." Only to backtrack on it all all later when no doubt he realized he had got his rhetoric all arse about. For example, the Brethren may split some families, but that's absolutely nothing in comparison to the destructive effects that our own Aussie 'cult'-ure has had on the family. That is the number of EB families that actually stay together is far greater as ratio than is just about any (I'm guessing) in the western world.
And they really are a culture, more than they are simply a 'cult', or just an organization.
Quote:Despite their "exclusiveness", they have interfered politically on both sides of the Tasman and tried to keep it secret.
They have just as much right to lobby politicians as does any other group or individual. And by lobbying they are in effect still staying as detached from politics as is possible without making too many concessions to those who want to impose 'alternate' moral values on society.
Quote:They need to be watched very carefully.
You bet. They're emerging as a cultural group that needs to be examined closely as an example of an improvement on our presently decaying society.
Try 'watching' some of them yourself, the first thing you'll notice is that they are generally more physically attractive than are the typical Aussies. I'd noticed this about ten years back when I didn't know any thing at all about them, but I was of course looking at the 'sisteren' (their womenfolk).