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I don't trust the Salvos anymore (Read 4528 times)
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Re: I don't trust the Salvos anymore
Reply #30 - Apr 15th, 2014 at 6:08pm
Conservatives are livid over being shamed by the comments of Thatcher about there being no such thing as society!

That is why they get their back up as often as they can  Grin
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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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Re: I don't trust the Salvos anymore
Reply #31 - Apr 15th, 2014 at 6:18pm
longweekend58 wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 5:39pm:
Schu wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 5:16pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 5:08pm:
Schu wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 4:57pm:
Thanks. And yes, it does bring a sense of justice to know that the Salvos have been exposed as no different to the other organisations because that was what always frustrated me.

When I used to tackle every Salvos person who asked me for donations, every one of them told me I was wrong and, in some cases, crazy to think that (and inevitably used the fact that while other organisations had been exposed nothing had come out about them so they had to be in the clear). I wonder if any of those people remember our encounters and feel ashamed. I hope so.

I still tackle them. Now they don't challenge me at all.

and I guess you don't give them money to help endangered and poor families. right? Does that help you feel morally superior?

It's got nothing to do with moral superiority.

It has to do with not giving money to organisations that are dishonest and untrustworthy and that use at least a proportion of that money to further their own power structure not so they can more effectively help people but so they can more effectively further their own ends.

If someone asks me for money I expect them to be able to answer my questions and challenges to them.

When these organisations properly clean themselves up and can demonstrate that they actually place their principles of helping people about their own ends I will reconsider my position. At the moment if I was to give them money I would be contributing to the perpetration of possible crimes and their cover-up. I do not want my money used to build homes for children where they may well end up abused.

there are no childrens homes anymore and haven't been for decades. Ive hear these arguments all before and you are nothing new.  You just don't want to give and this is what you think is a nice convenient excuse.

Heard it all from bentnail about church groups 'only' passing on 95% of donations and using 5% in overhead while ignoring non-church groups that take 50%.

Heard it all before and it is always invariably lame. But the 'building childrens homes' is at least a new - if still fallacious - excuse.

what gives you the right to b e so judgemental
longy?  I find those comments in very bad taste..

does the fact his grandmother suffered at their hands which in turn affected her children...have nothing to do with anything.??

its like your support for paedophiles they have done their sentence... they should be allowed to roam free salvitating at children without any parent being aware of the danger..

you dont have to be in a childrens home to be abused...

if these so called charities turn a blind eye to what went on.. they will turn a blind eye if it goes on behind their church.

why condemn every religion bar this one...they were after all run by men...and nothing has changed in this day and age.. except they now know we are on to them...

good on you schu..I am with you.. ignore those who think they have a clue what you nan went through.. with hundreds like her..and should just move on.. its history after all..yeah right. Angry
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Re: I don't trust the Salvos anymore
Reply #32 - Apr 15th, 2014 at 6:20pm
BatteriesNotIncluded wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 6:08pm:
Conservatives are livid over being shamed by the comments of Thatcher about there being no such thing as society!

That is why they get their back up as often as they can  Grin

so you are ok with child abuse... good to know.
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Re: I don't trust the Salvos anymore
Reply #33 - Apr 15th, 2014 at 6:58pm
Schu wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 6:02pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 5:39pm:
Schu wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 5:16pm:
It's got nothing to do with moral superiority.

It has to do with not giving money to organisations that are dishonest and untrustworthy and that use at least a proportion of that money to further their own power structure not so they can more effectively help people but so they can more effectively further their own ends.

If someone asks me for money I expect them to be able to answer my questions and challenges to them.

When these organisations properly clean themselves up and can demonstrate that they actually place their principles of helping people about their own ends I will reconsider my position. At the moment if I was to give them money I would be contributing to the perpetration of possible crimes and their cover-up. I do not want my money used to build homes for children where they may well end up abused.

there are no childrens homes anymore and haven't been for decades. Ive hear these arguments all before and you are nothing new.  You just don't want to give and this is what you think is a nice convenient excuse.

Heard it all from bentnail about church groups 'only' passing on 95% of donations and using 5% in overhead while ignoring non-church groups that take 50%.

Heard it all before and it is always invariably lame. But the 'building childrens homes' is at least a new - if still fallacious - excuse.

You know nothing of how much I give of my resources to help others, so it's rather presumptuous of you to suggest that this is merely an excuse not to give. But nice way to attempt to shame me.

Moreover, I apply the same rigorous checks to any organisation that asks me for money. It baffles me that charities of any sort expect donations without often being willing to explain themselves. Reputation, as we now know, is quite often an illusion.

As for the comment about children's homes, whilst I might have expressed it inaccurately, it is not an inaccurate point. The Salvos do provide shelters for women and children and in those shelters there are times when the women leave the children in the care of the workers. Now if the Salvos had come clean about their abuse instead of trying to cover it up and only begrudging accept the bare minimum of responsibility when required to I would have had faith that they would take any and all measures in the future to prevent other harm. But they didn't so I have no confidence in them doing the right thing now.

I treat all organisations the same way. It just so happens that I knew about the Salvos before it was in the public domain and while many others were under the illusion they were different. When an organisation has nothing to hide they are very forthcoming about their practices and they can demonstrate what they have done when an individual has done the wrong thing.

There are plenty of non-denominational organisations around that do just the same work as the denominational ones without the same proportion of money being siphoned off to further the denomination itself. It is also the case that when people are out to do the wrong thing they tend to gravitate to environments where they will be protected and that culture still exists with denominational organisations. There are plenty of independent womens' shelters and homeless shelters, international aid organisations and counselling services.

I will still go with my original observation. I've heard it all before and when pushed the answer is almost always the same "I don't give at all or very sparingly".
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John Smith
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Re: I don't trust the Salvos anymore
Reply #34 - Apr 15th, 2014 at 7:03pm
bogarde73 wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 1:15pm:
I thought till today that, out of all the charitable organisations, The Salvation Army was the one that could be most trusted to do the right thing.
But having heard the revelations at the Royal Commission, that delusion is now gone. They can't be trusted with children or disabled people.
So who can you trust? Here is my list of untrustworthies:
Catholic Church
Anglican Church
Red Cross
Uniting Church

Who is able to be trusted?

they sould like they're all part of that christian family that longstpidone claims are so charitable ....

good thing none of those evil atheists aren't mentioned, we all know how uncaring they all are.  Grin Grin
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I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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red baron
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Re: I don't trust the Salvos anymore
Reply #35 - Apr 15th, 2014 at 7:11pm
All organisations are under the spotlight these days of instant communication, instant revelations and instant identification.

One of the good things to come out of the Internet is the ability to reveal the scumbags for what they are.

There are a lot of really good people in most of those organisations named now the dirty ones can be weeded out quickly, unlike the 'old days' of hidden secrets.
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red baron
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Re: I don't trust the Salvos anymore
Reply #36 - Apr 15th, 2014 at 7:11pm
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Re: I don't trust the Salvos anymore
Reply #37 - Apr 15th, 2014 at 7:26pm
longweekend58 wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 6:58pm:
I will still go with my original observation. I've heard it all before and when pushed the answer is almost always the same "I don't give at all or very sparingly".


About five years ago I made the decision that direct donations to charities were not the best way to go and I made some changes to certain elements of my life instead.

I buy as much Fairtrade and locally produced items that I can. This extends to food, clothing, kitchen utensils, bathroom and cleaning products. I don't just trust what I am told; I research a fair bit to check out the companies and suppliers. A lot of my fruit and vegetables are bought direct from markets.

I have volunteered my time with three organisations including one to do with children and two women's groups. I also volunteer my professional capabilities to various projects related to women's issues and humanitarian causes. I have on three prior occasions allowed women escaping domestic violence to stay with me when there was no room at shelters and I have provided for them and their children. 

In the last financial ear my direct financial donations to three organisations totalled approximately 10% of my income. That is without, obviously, me factoring in my time.
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John Smith
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Re: I don't trust the Salvos anymore
Reply #38 - Apr 15th, 2014 at 7:29pm
Schu wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 7:26pm:
About five years ago I made the decision that direct donations to charities were not the best way to go

good choice .... once you donate and they get your name all they do is hound  you

I make it a point to never donate to anyone that calls me. No matter how worthwhile the cause ... it just encourages them
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Re: I don't trust the Salvos anymore
Reply #39 - Apr 15th, 2014 at 7:59pm
John Smith wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 7:29pm:
Schu wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 7:26pm:
About five years ago I made the decision that direct donations to charities were not the best way to go

good choice .... once you donate and they get your name all they do is hound  you

I make it a point to never donate to anyone that calls me. No matter how worthwhile the cause ... it just encourages them

I totally understand that. I was the same until I discovered the joys of the Do Not Call Register. The worst of it is that the information is collated and shared (see below). So donate to one and several more suddenly start calling.

My mother gets dozens of letters and phone calls a week and no matter how many times she says she'll donate when she has the extra funds they continue to hound her.

In most cases the people calling have nothing to do with the organisation itself, but are a separate fundraising group which handle the donation gathering for a number of organisations. I appreciate that this has been proven to be the most cost-efficient and effective way of raising funds, but I think they need to improve their systems significantly and stop using information they have about a person donating to one charity to determine who they call about another.

I also don't like the way some of them prey on vulnerable people. My other grandmother was old, lonely, quite senile, well off and ridiculously generous. She was an easy target and when she was moved into a nursing home we discovered that she was donating almost half her income to charity, some of which were not ones she would have supported if she'd understood what was happening.
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Re: I don't trust the Salvos anymore
Reply #40 - Apr 15th, 2014 at 8:14pm
Schu wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 7:26pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 6:58pm:
I will still go with my original observation. I've heard it all before and when pushed the answer is almost always the same "I don't give at all or very sparingly".


About five years ago I made the decision that direct donations to charities were not the best way to go and I made some changes to certain elements of my life instead.

I buy as much Fairtrade and locally produced items that I can. This extends to food, clothing, kitchen utensils, bathroom and cleaning products. I don't just trust what I am told; I research a fair bit to check out the companies and suppliers. A lot of my fruit and vegetables are bought direct from markets.

I have volunteered my time with three organisations including one to do with children and two women's groups. I also volunteer my professional capabilities to various projects related to women's issues and humanitarian causes. I have on three prior occasions allowed women escaping domestic violence to stay with me when there was no room at shelters and I have provided for them and their children. 

In the last financial ear my direct financial donations to three organisations totalled approximately 10% of my income. That is without, obviously, me factoring in my time.

I dont think you need to tell all and sundry what you do or whom you give too.. its no ones business but have a justifiable  reason to be dead set against the salvos... until someone walks in your shoes they have no right to question you.... thats how I see it...

have an opinion on the subject by all means but to claim someone use this as AN EXCUSE not to donate at all..

is bloody pathetic..

like anything to do with child abuse... there is not excuse there nev er will be..even less so.. for those who were entrusted with child d abused that TRUST  instead...there is no excuse...none whatever...if schu never put his hand in his pocket again for anyone I would not blame him..

your observations count for nothing longy Angry
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Re: I don't trust the Salvos anymore
Reply #41 - Apr 15th, 2014 at 9:12pm
cods wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 8:14pm:
Schu wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 7:26pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 6:58pm:
I will still go with my original observation. I've heard it all before and when pushed the answer is almost always the same "I don't give at all or very sparingly".


About five years ago I made the decision that direct donations to charities were not the best way to go and I made some changes to certain elements of my life instead.

I buy as much Fairtrade and locally produced items that I can. This extends to food, clothing, kitchen utensils, bathroom and cleaning products. I don't just trust what I am told; I research a fair bit to check out the companies and suppliers. A lot of my fruit and vegetables are bought direct from markets.

I have volunteered my time with three organisations including one to do with children and two women's groups. I also volunteer my professional capabilities to various projects related to women's issues and humanitarian causes. I have on three prior occasions allowed women escaping domestic violence to stay with me when there was no room at shelters and I have provided for them and their children. 

In the last financial ear my direct financial donations to three organisations totalled approximately 10% of my income. That is without, obviously, me factoring in my time.

I dont think you need to tell all and sundry what you do or whom you give too.. its no ones business but have a justifiable  reason to be dead set against the salvos... until someone walks in your shoes they have no right to question you.... thats how I see it...

have an opinion on the subject by all means but to claim someone use this as AN EXCUSE not to donate at all..

is bloody pathetic..

like anything to do with child abuse... there is not excuse there nev er will be..even less so.. for those who were entrusted with child d abused that TRUST  instead...there is no excuse...none whatever...if schu never put his hand in his pocket again for anyone I would not blame him..

your observations count for nothing longy Angry

I always find it really frustrating when people make judgements about someone online that they don't know, especially when that is based on sweeping generalisations.

If the person doesn't respond it stands unrefuted, but if they do there's no way to prove it anyway.

You're right, there's no reason for me to feel a need to justify myself, and I appreciate you saying it, but at the same time I wanted to shed light on the fact that these sorts of individual judgement and sweeping statements are often wrong and made in total ignorance.
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« Last Edit: Apr 15th, 2014 at 9:20pm by Schu »  
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Re: I don't trust the Salvos anymore
Reply #42 - Apr 15th, 2014 at 9:13pm
EDIT: quoted myself instead of editing my original post.
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« Last Edit: Apr 15th, 2014 at 9:19pm by Schu »  
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Re: I don't trust the Salvos anymore
Reply #43 - Apr 16th, 2014 at 6:46am
Schu wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 9:12pm:
I always find it really frustrating when people make judgements about someone online that they don't know, especially when that is based on sweeping generalisations.

If the person doesn't respond it stands unrefuted, but if they do there's no way to prove it anyway.

You're right, there's no reason for me to feel a need to justify myself, and I appreciate you saying it, but at the same time I wanted to shed light on the fact that these sorts of individual judgement and sweeping statements are often wrong and made in total ignorance.

You're right. And (interestingly) with your antagonist on this thread (while unconcerned about coming to swift unjustifiable conclusions about your motivation) is concerned about 'not being fully quoted' (i.e. including his vacuous and acerbic comments, which by the way can still be accessed within the thread) because, anything less is 'dishonest' (see

What is dishonest and vindictive, is cynicism for its own sake, or, in his case with you, an opportunity to abuse your honesty by spitting acid in your face.
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Re: I don't trust the Salvos anymore
Reply #44 - Apr 16th, 2014 at 8:10am
cods wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 4:06pm:
... wrote on Apr 15th, 2014 at 2:23pm:
Roll Eyes

People trust people, not organisations.


put on a uniform.. bang a drum.. telling everyone you are a soldier of the lord...

what do you expect anyone to think when they meet you dressed in the uniform of the army??...

if someone was putting you in a salvation army run home today...

would you go willingly knowing what you know now?....

Dafuq?  Why would a 33 year old be put in a home?  There aren't even any homes to put me in if they wanted to.
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In the fullness of time...
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