I was, out of respect, going to leave this alone. But, now you have dragged your useless gratuity here Andrei, I feel bound to respond:
Quote: George, I honestly thought you would have learnt by now. The Feedback board is about feedback about this forum only. The post that AiA started was locked.
Yeas, well after 'you' allowed AiA his cheap shot, and it is still there for all to see.
Quote:I don't care who started it, we won't allow flamewars between boards or otherwise on here. If you have a problem with PA, try posting there, or message FD if you really want to.
Fantastic. Why did you not address that to AiA....in the Thread 'you' allowed to stand, and still allow to stand in Feedback?
Quote:There is some really feral behaviour going on elsewhere. We're just trying to keep the standards up here.
Yeas there is...
owned by FD.....and when 'you' allowed AiA to bring it here, it is poor form to be blaming George for reacting to it. 'You' could have nipped it in the bud, but...nah.....'you' allowed AiA to vacate his PA bowels here, and now you want to deny those in receipt of his excrement the right to a cleansing. Nah.
Quote:I don't know who posted IQ's personal information, but it was on another board, so my care factor is nil. I have no evidence presented that any poster from here did that, although I've offered to help.
Really. How very bloody gracious of you. Why did 'you' not take AiA to task and (a) just nuke his Thread, but having not done that (b) why did you not demand of him some proof of his scurrilous defamation? And then, the victims are just left to wallow helpless and carry the smear. Nah.
Quote:Speaking for myself, I prefer a quiet life.
Maybe you need to consider that more carefully, given 'your' responsibilities here.
Muso/Andrei....you can align yourself with that disgraced AiA if you like, but I'll defend those whom he maliciously and falsely maligns anywhere, anytime, and anywhere the fight is taken to, including here, where he has taken it.
I ceased posting at PA almost 12 months ago, and came here to get away from that sewer, but it seems 'you' want and encourage its Administrator bringing the poo to here.
You tell me to 'get a life,' Muso. In reply, I suggest you get an alarm clock and some glasses. The former might help you wake up to AiA and the latter might assist you see what he is doing....like 'taking it to their doorstep.'
I've had enough of this duplicity and condonation of obscenity, vulgarity and very personal stalking and defamation (etc.) I came here to get away from it.
Shoot me.