Gold Member
Opinionated Sod
Posts: 1506
On Guns: Americans, ya gotta wonder! Lets look at it rationaly. Most common claim about the need for the right to own guns:-
>Home protection, armed burglars etc
And what are the realistic odds of that happening to any given home? I don't claim to know the actual figure but it would have to range in the millions to one against. And for that miniscule threat they hold virtual armouries at the ready. Being a burglar must be just about the most high-risk job in America, and what does it say about the American School system that despite that they still DO have burglars?
Next >The Government
But who is this lugubrious "Government" they all live in fear of? THEMSELVES! It's made up of American citizens. And the mysterious "Dark Arms of Government"? More American citizens, with homes and families and mortgages, and guns too no doubt. THat approach therefore seems akin to that moment in Blazing Saddles when Cleavon Little holds a gun to his own chin and yells.."Nobody move or the N(bad word) gets it"! The Armed Forces, Police etc? Yet MORE American citizens with all the above. So, looking at it rationally, the Americans fear.....themselves, not any external power, not any Mystic Creature, they need the guns to protect themselves from themselves. Most Gov workers would appear to be sane normal middle-class family people, yet THEY are such a huge threat to life and freedom that it needs an armed populace to counter? That argument always reminds me of the one about the salesman who offers a customer a lucky charm and claims it's guaranteed to keep elephants completely away. "But, there are no elephants in America" says the customer. "Yeah," says the salesman, "see how well it works?"
Now, is that a National Paranoid Psychosis or WHAT??!!
On migrants: In the past the immigrant has not been well received as a rule, and immigrant youth gangs and accusations of crime were commonplace. This appeared to be largely a self-defense reaction to the perceived discrimination. With time however they settled in and their younger children and then grandchildren gradually became Dinky-Di and were accepted. This is even true of the Viets in the 70's. Now we have the Africans and the Muslims. The Africans scare people because they look so different and they suffer from the mental/emotional associations made in our minds by American movies. Hollywood has a lot to answer for. By and large though they are decent people and will settle in here given time. The Muslims are a different case altogether. Although many of them are simply decent people seeking a better life their religious and cultural ways and ties mitigate against them. They appear to make little or no effort to fit in anywhere, and are paranoid and defensive from the start. Theirs is an aggressive culture and religion when threatened, and they are threatened here, by us. This is undeniable, and almost traditional, but it creates problems for us all, and appears to be recreating the massive problems seen overseas. I can't offer a magic solution unfortunately, and no-one else seems to have one either. That being said however, it seems to me that the most hope for a solution must lay within the Islamic community themselves, for one can never be successfully imposed from without. Given the world-wide nature of the problems it's going to be a long hard road to achieve any peaceful answer, even in Oz. Our prejudice, however justified it may appear, means that the Muslim community is facing greater hurdles than any other immigrants before them. Many of those hurdles are of their own making though, so the onus ultimately rests with them, in my opinion. That doesn't excuse US from trying to be understanding and trying to help them though, we will all pay a high price if that effort fails.