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Since Hawke all governments have failed us..??? (Read 841 times)
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Since Hawke all governments have failed us..???
Apr 21st, 2014 at 11:20am
Since the 1980’s and the implementation of neoliberalism starting with the Hawke government and then every government until today, they have all failed the Australian people and have created an Australia where its people will slowly but surely be reduced to poverty.

The Hawke government being caught up in the neoliberalism of Thatcher and Reagan began to  deregulate the banks which Malcolm Fraser was against, Malcolm Fraser believed that a milk bar on every corner was a good thing for Australia.

He also said that now people will be hiding their savings under their pillows.

Not only did the Hawke government deregulate banks it floated our dollar on the stock exchange which reduced its value from parity to half against the greenback.

This opened the doors for the overseas oligarchy to waltz into our great nation and buy up all our cash cows (ultilities, commonwealth bank, telecommunications, public transport etc.) for half price.

The revenue base of our governments.

If they weren’t cash cows why would they buy them, while at the same time state and federal governments following the neoliberalism theory of Milton Friedman which is

“Put corporations in charge of everything and all else will sort its self out”

Our state and federal governments started to sell all the public assets to these hand full of rich men as though it was left to them in their granpapa’s will, neglecting to ask the people of Australia who rightfully owned them whether they should be sold or not.

Coupled with this highway robbery these same state and federal governments where advertising these sales as leading to greater competition and cheaper rates.

Well my fellow Australians since the day that our stupid and corrupt governments lied to us and sold most of our assets (cash cows) to a hand full of rich men I have never received a letter advising me that my utility rates will be reduced have you.

Not only that but the oligarchy realising that Australia is indeed a land of milk and honey somehow convinced our stupid and corrupt governments that it would be a good thing for Australia if they came into our great nation to mine our wealth in the ground giving our governments %6 in royalties.

Only a fool or someone that has had his pockets lined with cash would agree to such a one sided deal.

Look at the situation today, WA after 15 years of a mining boom is in debt to the tune of $30 billion dollars, how can this be, what would the debt be if there was no mining twice thrice or more of the current value.

When the current premier of Western Australia Colin Barnett took the reins WA owed $3 billion now they owe $30 billion, so what did Mr. Barnett do he asked Tony Abbott to raise the GST to get him out of the sh!t hole he has dug around him.

Look at all our state and the federal governments they are all in debt to the tune of billions, we may laugh at Greece and Spain and Ireland etc, but are we really any better off.

This is because our governments have no revenue base because we sold all our cash cows,

The commonwealth bank was making $5 billion per annum when it was sold.

Our telecommunications was making $7 billion dollars per annum when it was sold.

Our utilities, public transport etc. etc. are all cash cows that’s why the oligarchy wanted them and somehow convinced our stupid and corrupt governments to sell them.

Now the only revenue base they have is TAXATION, taxing us the people, while at the same time they have lost control of who actually runs this country.

For example look at petrol prices how can they go up and down the way they do when barrel of oil remains the same price.

Why should a crises half way around the world affect petrol prices, our country is now run by gamblers ( speculators) on the stock market.

We need a PM and a party with big balls that will say hey enough is enough, we are elected fby the people and we are for the people not for mutli-national corporations.

It’s time to take back all our public cash cows so our government can have a revenue base to provide essential services for the people of Australia.

Which country under the current neoliberalism system of the New World Order come Globalisation come Free Trade has become a great economic power.

Answer NONE.

If anything this system puts the wealth of nations into a few rich people’s hands and bankrupts the country, the evidence is all around us globally.
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2. "One hour of freedom is worth more than 40 years of slavery &  prison" Regas Feraeos
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Since Hawke all governments have failed us..???
Reply #1 - Apr 21st, 2014 at 11:42am
Hawkie also failed us when he lead the way with the 'pilot's strike' -a piece of comic opera in which his 'government of wrecking a silly nation national reconciliation' deemed that it was in the best interests of business, government and people to turn like a mongrel dog on the hand that fed him for so many years - under the sheep's clothing of a new form of 'socialism' that incorporated big business as well as a willing and helpful contributor (LMAO).

The biggest failing of the Hawke government was that betrayal of the working man (and woman), the consequent rise in Labour Labor (the Labour Party after they removed the 'U' from it) of the comfortable middle class 'Labor' politician etc with middle class views and aspirations, and ushering in a new era of 'industrial relations' that meant that ALL sides of politics attacked the Union movement as somehow being 'unrepresentative swill' whose only rights should properly be to do as they are told, like good serfs should.

Sorry - the Hawke government started the whole process of the decline of the West (Australia in this case) by its destruction of the value of its most valuable asset - We The People - and our reduction under despotism of government and employer and of servitude to all on demand.

Insanities like Wee Johnnie's 'WorkChoices' were and are built on that Hawke foundation... all those policy thrusts did was extend the stupidity and selfishness of these same policy concepts of 'bash the ordinary people into the ground' - with predictable results, which you can see in the current near industrial, social, and economic death of Australia.
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: Since Hawke all governments have failed us..???
Reply #2 - Apr 21st, 2014 at 11:46am
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 21st, 2014 at 11:42am:
Hawkie also failed us when he lead the way with the 'pilot's strike' -a piece of comic opera in which his 'government of wrecking a silly nation national reconciliation' deemed that it was in the best interests of business, government and people to turn like a mongrel dog on the hand that fed him for so many years - under the sheep's clothing of a new form of 'socialism' that incorporated big business as well as a willing and helpful contributor (LMAO).

The biggest failing of the Hawke government was that betrayal of the working man (and woman), the consequent rise in Labour Labor (the Labour Party after they removed the 'U' from it) of the comfortable middle class 'Labor' politician etc with middle class views and aspirations, and ushering in a new era of 'industrial relations' that meant that ALL sides of politics attacked the Union movement as somehow being 'unrepresentative swill' whose only rights should properly be to do as they are told, like good serfs should.

Sorry - the Hawke government started the whole process of the decline of the West (Australia in this case) by its destruction of the value of its most valuable asset - We The People - and our reduction under despotism of government and employer and of servitude to all on demand.

Insanities like Wee Johnnie's 'WorkChoices' were and are built on that Hawke foundation... all those policy thrusts did was extend the stupidity and selfishness of these same policy concepts of 'bash the ordinary people into the ground' - with predictable results, which you can see in the current near industrial, social, and economic death of Australia.

Well said.....totally agree... Cool
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1. There has never been a more serious assault on our standard of living than Anthropogenic Global Warming..Ajax
2. "One hour of freedom is worth more than 40 years of slavery &  prison" Regas Feraeos
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Ex Dame Pansi
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Re: Since Hawke all governments have failed us..???
Reply #3 - Apr 21st, 2014 at 11:48am

It's been planned all along, from America, Britain and throughout the Euro, Australia just blindly followed, or maybe not so blindly.  There's little, we, the people can do, short of a revolution and there will be plenty of them along the way.

It's the end of capitalism and Greed Inc, the death of the growth fairy and it will get worse, a lot worse. We need to find a new way to stay sustainable before we come out at the other end, or else..........

The humungous debt had to catch up, there was only so far you can kick the can down the street, then what? Fiat money, I suppose going back to the gold standard will be the first option.


Choose your tent carefully
you might be in it for a long time
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"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." Hendrix
andrei said: Great isn't it? Seeing boatloads of what is nothing more than human garbage turn up.....
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Since Hawke all governments have failed us..???
Reply #4 - Apr 21st, 2014 at 11:56am
May I simply add that such 'legislative' thrusts as 'domestic violence laws', world's lowest PCA for drink driving shared by no other country, gun laws, anti-discrimination laws, and all the other oppressive regimes of 'laws' and policy - policies such as 'affirmative action' (EEO is its chosen name)...
.....are all nothing more than planks in a platform of exercising legislative and policy muscle to use as levers to create of We The People subjugated serfs with little to no genuine rights, but simple serfs who can be deemed to be 'criminals' at the stroke of a pen, and thus punished, robbed of hard earned coin and disempowered.

I'll toss yez another Dorothy Dixer - I use this 'university' as my blog avenue for putting ideas out there....

ADDS:-  Let me add that in the event of a revolution and the enforced nationalisation of public utilities and assets - I would anticipate an armed invasion along the lines of 1956 Suez crisis, in which Britain and France invaded Egypt when Nasser sought to nationalise the Suez Canal.  There is a history of similar invasion - either armed or covert - in nations around the world - including Iran and Vietnam (in the broad sense of that conflict being over national sovereignty and majority rule - a long and complex story).

Should Australia again lead the way by seeking to restore out public utilities to us along with our national sovereignty - I expect we will be invaded and treated as 'communists' and filthy rabble revolutionary criminals.

History tells us this is the most likely outcome.
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« Last Edit: Apr 21st, 2014 at 12:02pm by Grappler Deep State Feller »  

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: Since Hawke all governments have failed us..???
Reply #5 - Apr 21st, 2014 at 11:58am
Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Apr 21st, 2014 at 11:48am:
It's been planned all along, from America, Britain and throughout the Euro, Australia just blindly followed, or maybe not so blindly.  There's little, we, the people can do, short of a revolution and there will be plenty of them along the way.

It's the end of capitalism and Greed Inc, the death of the growth fairy and it will get worse, a lot worse. We need to find a new way to stay sustainable before we come out at the other end, or else..........

The humungous debt had to catch up, there was only so far you can kick the can down the street, then what? Fiat money, I suppose going back to the gold standard will be the first option.


Choose your tent carefully
you might be in it for a long time

+ 1 - not a bad summary  Smiley
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Since Hawke all governments have failed us..???
Reply #6 - Apr 21st, 2014 at 12:10pm
(**shamelessly self-promotes**)...

Lots of good thoughts and ideas here - you may disagree at will...

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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: Since Hawke all governments have failed us..???
Reply #7 - Apr 21st, 2014 at 3:51pm
Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Apr 21st, 2014 at 11:48am:
It's been planned all along, from America, Britain and throughout the Euro, Australia just blindly followed, or maybe not so blindly.  There's little, we, the people can do, short of a revolution and there will be plenty of them along the way.

It's the end of capitalism and Greed Inc, the death of the growth fairy and it will get worse, a lot worse. We need to find a new way to stay sustainable before we come out at the other end, or else..........

The humungous debt had to catch up, there was only so far you can kick the can down the street, then what? Fiat money, I suppose going back to the gold standard will be the first option.


Choose your tent carefully
you might be in it for a long time

We could all mob our sitting member every single day until something is done.

But imo people have also become saturated with neoliberalism.

I'm ok I don't give a damn about you buddy.

The problem is we all get affected sooner or later.
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1. There has never been a more serious assault on our standard of living than Anthropogenic Global Warming..Ajax
2. "One hour of freedom is worth more than 40 years of slavery &  prison" Regas Feraeos
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CO2 has never controlled
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Re: Since Hawke all governments have failed us..???
Reply #8 - Apr 21st, 2014 at 3:52pm
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 21st, 2014 at 11:56am:
May I simply add that such 'legislative' thrusts as 'domestic violence laws', world's lowest PCA for drink driving shared by no other country, gun laws, anti-discrimination laws, and all the other oppressive regimes of 'laws' and policy - policies such as 'affirmative action' (EEO is its chosen name)...
.....are all nothing more than planks in a platform of exercising legislative and policy muscle to use as levers to create of We The People subjugated serfs with little to no genuine rights, but simple serfs who can be deemed to be 'criminals' at the stroke of a pen, and thus punished, robbed of hard earned coin and disempowered.

I'll toss yez another Dorothy Dixer - I use this 'university' as my blog avenue for putting ideas out there....

ADDS:-  Let me add that in the event of a revolution and the enforced nationalisation of public utilities and assets - I would anticipate an armed invasion along the lines of 1956 Suez crisis, in which Britain and France invaded Egypt when Nasser sought to nationalise the Suez Canal.  There is a history of similar invasion - either armed or covert - in nations around the world - including Iran and Vietnam (in the broad sense of that conflict being over national sovereignty and majority rule - a long and complex story).

Should Australia again lead the way by seeking to restore out public utilities to us along with our national sovereignty - I expect we will be invaded and treated as 'communists' and filthy rabble revolutionary criminals.

History tells us this is the most likely outcome.

Not bad i'll do some reading...... Smiley
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1. There has never been a more serious assault on our standard of living than Anthropogenic Global Warming..Ajax
2. "One hour of freedom is worth more than 40 years of slavery &  prison" Regas Feraeos
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red baron
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Re: Since Hawke all governments have failed us..???
Reply #9 - Apr 21st, 2014 at 7:11pm
Well this has to be the 'wank' thread of the week.

Here's something, Australia is a bright, vibrant young Country it's citizens capable of great effort and achievement.

We are a resilient and innovative people with a great future in front of us.

Don't listen to all the drivel written on this thread, negative people are ten cents a dozen.

This is a bountiful land with great natural resources, more than enough to feed and clothe our small population, don't be stampeded by the dooms dayers, they have too much time on their hands.
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Re: Since Hawke all governments have failed us..???
Reply #10 - Apr 21st, 2014 at 7:46pm
red baron wrote on Apr 21st, 2014 at 7:11pm:
Well this has to be the 'wank' thread of the week.

Here's something, Australia is a bright, vibrant young Country it's citizens capable of great effort and achievement.

We are a resilient and innovative people with a great future in front of us.

Don't listen to all the drivel written on this thread, negative people are ten cents a dozen.

This is a bountiful land with great natural resources, more than enough to feed and clothe our small population, don't be stampeded by the dooms dayers, they have too much time on their hands.

With great respect, I wish I could agree with you,in the last few years Australia has become more of a Plutocracy than a Democracy.
John Pilger wrote some years ago, "Under the Hawke-Keating government, there has been the biggest shift of wealth,'from bottom to top'.
The introduction of compulsory super is only accelerating the process, because a third of the super assets are held by self-funded-retirees, and the other two thirds are used by finance managers and Union bosses to gamble in the "financial casinos, and in the process they are creaming some $20 billion in fees, making them millionaires at expense of average people.
People on this forum should have a good look at the Australian social system, because it is increasing the gap between the have and have-nots.

The real troubles with Australian super
By ABC's Alan Kohler
Updated Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:12am AEDT
Photo: The only clear winners are those in the super and investment management industry. (Thinkstock: iStockphoto)
What's really wrong with Australia's superannuation system? Savers don't know what they are saving for, Treasury is all over the place, and meanwhile, those in the super industry are happily skimming $20 billion a year in fees, writes Alan Kohler.

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« Last Edit: Apr 21st, 2014 at 8:00pm by hawil »  
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