John Smith wrote on Apr 24
th, 2014 at 10:38pm:
you didn't answer the question .... the answer is? ...
and no company shut shop and moved o'seas because of the carbon tax so you can forget that line.
The answer is if they transferred to Green technology they wouldn't have to pay the tax!
However that's not the issue, the issue is what the tax will do to everyone and what business' response will be, something I think the Greens can't seem to comprehend.
Yes no company has so far shut up shop, maybe they will when it's raised from 22% to 40%? (As Christine Milne proposes)
We can't deny that those industries have encountered a decent halt due to these taxes and if they were worse you'd see more lay offs, more automation, higher prices, less investment in this country.
I mean think of it like this you are an investor your options:
- Invest in now expensive Coal/mining with a crap ROI (in Australia)
- Invest in Green industries that are expensive and by analysis not worth the investment ((in Australia))
- Invest in another country that isn't highly taxed and regulated?
10 points for the obvious answer!
The truth is government planning fails, governments trying to take from one sector and invest in other never has the effect they hope it does, Keynes was wrong and he was going to change his opinion on these matters however he died before he got the chance.
The truth is the most free economies are the most prosperous and we are headed away from that prosperity with every regulation, every tax and every malinvested subsidy.