austranger wrote on Jul 5
th, 2014 at 2:50pm:
Lord Herbert wrote on Jul 5
th, 2014 at 2:02pm:
Sophia wrote on Jul 5
th, 2014 at 1:02pm:
I thought it was more a 'coping' type of smile, through thick and thin. You can remember their mentality of those days, 'must smile and your troubles will seem less troublesome' type thing.
As the trial proceeded and the evidence was building up day by day, her insane smile, like a hideous death-rictus, never left her face. Her expression was as frozen as a sculptured bust.
Probably utter shock, and not knowing what the HL else she could do!
I wonder if she knew of any of his infidelity or strange tastes?
Wonder if she ever told him to stop etc and he just treated her like a pushover (she looks like the meek and mild type that's easy to pushover, yet, has she ever been interviewed, anyone has an indepth on her personality type?)
Reminds me of something.....Bob Hope I read about after his death, how he has numerous affairs with so many young ladies wanting stardom (you know, the ole, "sleep your way to the top" scenario for the hopefuls).....his wife knew, and asked him to stop as it was embarrasing to her.
He never did. I read of how he had this secret door from his room at the studio, where the young wanna be actresses would be invited in by him into this secret doorway behind the dressing table, to a bedroom. But don't know what their ages were, of these young ladies he had affairs with.
Then there was the discovery of that golfer, Tiger Woods, and all them women he had affairs with, even though he had a beautiful wife and children.....he got found out too, once one squealed, the rest came out also, thinking they were the only ones etc.
Wander just how many more there are like that, and are nervous now, because of the discovery and exposure of what has happened to the likes of RH etc.
Those that have had a past with underage gals might be feeling real squeamish and laying low to avoid any attention?