People in prison may be criminals.. but they HATE child Molestors...
(maybe because it happened to them as a child.. setting them on the wrong path) who knows.. ?? more than a few i'd suggest..!!
BUT BATPRICK... only you and your like would SYMPATHISE....!!!
Best you shut up else we'll all have to consider the real possibility that your empathy for RH comes from being a brother in filth.
If a society cannot protect its young from the predations of the sickheads,, it is a pretty useless society. And.. lets face it.. it IS..
These MEN (and the rare woman) who commit these offenses should not expect to be forgiven... hey .. they should EXPECT punishment.
The fact he showed no remorse.. seemingly no UNDERSTANDING?? NO.. he knew exactly what he was doing...
NOW he pays for his fun.... NOT enough I might add.. and if he should die in prison... such were his just desserts.