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Rolf facing the music (Read 111773 times)
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Australian Politics

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1095 - Jul 5th, 2014 at 11:06pm
Emma wrote on Jul 5th, 2014 at 10:58pm:
Emma - calm down.

I have no sympathy for pedophile priests who sodomise poor little kids arses.
They should be hanged in public.

Rolf's crimes were not as bad as that & due to is age his penalty is actually a death sentence.

That's all I'm saying - yet you twist it all around to mean the opposite of what I say.

you are forgiven


pedophile priests  ??  we are talking about RH and the sentencing et al. 
Sorry if you suffered from a priest... NOT ON TOPIC.

Why don't we hang those dirty priests instead of everyone carrying on about Rolf Harris?
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Australian Politics

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1096 - Jul 5th, 2014 at 11:06pm
I dont watch videos. If you have something to say, say it.
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1097 - Jul 5th, 2014 at 11:09pm
hermoine wrote on Jul 5th, 2014 at 11:06pm:
I dont watch videos. If you have something to say, say it.

Don't tell me what to do.

If you can't watch a 29 second video then you're an internet ignoramus who shouldn't be posting.

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1098 - Jul 5th, 2014 at 11:10pm
hermoine wrote on Jul 5th, 2014 at 11:02pm:
Bobby, is there something you need to confess?

I have nothing to confess.


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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1099 - Jul 5th, 2014 at 11:11pm
Bobby. wrote on Jul 5th, 2014 at 10:53pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jul 5th, 2014 at 10:41pm:
Emma wrote on Jul 5th, 2014 at 10:34pm:
well I don't forgive YOU... brother-in-kind..

as for your forgiveness...  you know where you can put that .. don't you..??
yep  where the sun don't shine..  in other words... your arsehole.

I'm with Hermione....  then he might UNDERSTAND.!!!   Grin Grin Grin

But with every mistake we must surely be learning?

While my guitar gently weeps.

I look at you all - see the love there that's sleeping

While my guitar gently weeps

There is love inside us all but for many people it's sleeping.

The Beatles wrote great lyrics.
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1100 - Jul 5th, 2014 at 11:15pm
wow  this is a popular topic.. it takes minutes just to get a chance to reply.
As it takes so long.. at present I have nothing new to reply to..

so I'll say it again... sorry for RH..??  =  Brother-in-kind. 
Deny it as you will... but your words on this forum speaks volumes about YOU.
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Australian Politics

Posts: 364
Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1101 - Jul 5th, 2014 at 11:15pm
You can shill for you tube if you like. Beatles, too. It just indicates you can't communicate original ideas.
Don't want or need your forgiveness.
Nasty man.
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1102 - Jul 5th, 2014 at 11:18pm
hermoine wrote on Jul 5th, 2014 at 11:15pm:
You can shill for you tube if you like. Beatles, too. It just indicates you can't communicate original ideas.
Don't want or need your forgiveness.
Nasty man.

Music can convey understanding - which is not possible with words.

You are once again forgiven for ignorance

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1103 - Jul 5th, 2014 at 11:22pm
one of many many nasty men on this forum.. Hey.. I'm all sweetness and light..   Smiley

but I will not leave a word unsaid if I want to say it. Like it or not.. here is one female who will not accept societal dominance by males.
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Australian Politics

Posts: 364
Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1104 - Jul 5th, 2014 at 11:24pm
The spirit in me sees the spirit in you. The spirit of a pederast. Forgiveness not accepted. I spit on your forgiveness.
man nasty.
go to confession you old pervert
shove your fofgivehess up your sanctimonious a.r.s.e hole
man nasty

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1105 - Jul 5th, 2014 at 11:24pm
and you can shove your forgiveness where it belongs... as already advised to you.

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Australian Politics

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1106 - Jul 5th, 2014 at 11:31pm
I actually agree with master Light.
Rolf Harris was evil.
Should he however suffer the death penalty by hypothermia?

master Light
peadophile sympathisers will be exposed .

what reaction are you alluding to .....

these beings are divine feminine beings

transforming into adolescence

this is not for dribbling old fools to leer

and take ungranted liberties .

to think there is a reaction wanting from

an old predatory male looking to take advantage

of this critical stage in a females evolutionary

process is not of a divine nature .

your programming has had an effect it would seem


in the divine realms all your predatory thought

are revealed yes and in rolfs case

its a systematic peadophilic intent

from a collective group of elite satanic

freemasonic peadophiles and the network

supporting the delivery of innocent victims

from the social services police magistrates

courts the UN all all kingpin elite world

governments collecting the photographs

to be used for blackmail , they all watch each

other and have the dirt ,and as such

the freemasonic oath

binds them unto a collective agenda

and through the courts on the appeal process

these usually get let off or buy off

whomever is the victim ... simply pay to rape

this is by the order of the jesuit vatican

and the recent papal bull announcing it

to be a criminal offence to expose any of it .

this is what brought down the peadophile

ratzinger and ushered in pope francis

both are members of the ninth circle ...

and as such they have both witnessed and

participated in satanic child sacrificial rites .

consequently these are both black magicians ,

satanic peadophiles and minions of the dark .

if any are in confusion , one such as I am

exposes the darkness without permission

or approval yes this work is not for the faint

hearted beloved ones ... and this is why and

from the energy in which I emanate in whom I am

as a humble servant in the divine

and sacred LIGHT as we continue

to monitor all thoughts word

and deed ,and so it is


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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1107 - Jul 5th, 2014 at 11:43pm
Bobby. wrote on Jul 5th, 2014 at 10:56pm:
hermoine wrote on Jul 5th, 2014 at 10:54pm:
Whats wrong with watching evil getting punished? It makes me moist, fellas. Why doesnt it excitd you?

Some people knew about Rolf for the last 30 years & did nothing -

they should also be charged with failing to report a crime.

You see - take a look at the bigger picture.

I think it's the big question in many people's minds, why women (young at the time) failed to report it.
After reading statements from a few of the victims, one of them said, it wasn't easy to make a compaint or go to the police in that time of when it was "a man's world"...and that answered the big question for me.

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Australian Politics

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1108 - Jul 5th, 2014 at 11:46pm
how can we ignore your words now
Yet BBB claims to have learned from you.  He is a joke neh??

LIGHT..??  I feel my way to these ideas...  I do not doubt my self...  and now..? 

I can no longer doubt you.

We are living in the end of days...  I know this... 

I can only imagine what follows.. and mostly I choose not to,  because there is NO GOOD.... in our future.
We must evolve from this animalistic existence or cease to be.

Light... I opt for the latter... so our poison doesn't infect all of the  universe,  OK  .. apologise for the hubris.. but  ...

we seem unable to reach our potential because of greed and hate and intolerance and ?? 

..I think  we are a doomed race.. and we deserve it.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1109 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:03am
yeah  so I am glad to be of the baby boomer generation. Smiley

The last golden age of humans on Earth.
All downhill now.!

Seems the current ethos is to take whatever you can, wherever you can  and enjoy it as much as possible, because the future ?  is dark.. 

We were the lucky ones... but ... nothing excuses the excesses of govt control now being sought by the current bunch of Lackeys.  I will not call them a government because they are simply incapable of governing.

A sign of the times...  Smiley

doom and destruction will rain down on us  innocent and guilty alike... 
and we will be helpless before it.
I don't cleave to any GOD... I do think

we REAP what WE SOW....   and Australia has a lot of reaping to do.
Once the Lucky Country... 

now we are anyone's bumboy.
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