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Rolf facing the music (Read 111743 times)
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Australian Politics

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1110 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:09am
Emma wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:03am:
yeah  so I am glad to be of the baby boomer generation. Smiley

The last golden age of humans on Earth.
All downhill now.!

Seems the current ethos is to take whatever you can, wherever you can  and enjoy it as much as possible, because the future ?  is dark.. 

We were the lucky ones... but ... nothing excuses the excesses of govt control now being sought by the current bunch of Lackeys.  I will not call them a government because they are simply incapable of governing.

A sign of the times...  Smiley

doom and destruction will rain down on us  innocent and guilty alike... 
and we will be helpless before it.
I don't cleave to any GOD... I do think

we REAP what WE SOW....   and Australia has a lot of reaping to do.
Once the Lucky Country... 

now we are anyone's bumboy.

Only the noose can save us from oblivion.

Only when thousands of evil doers are hanging from lampposts
in very street in city centers will justice be done.
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Opinionated Sod

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1111 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:09am
Clear demonstration herein of the vicious reaction caused by crimes like this, but there's NO excuse for those attacking someone for merely offering a rational observation or two.
Put your brains in gear folks, calm down and try to behave like adults, if we can't discuss things like this sensibly then what hope is there of finding a successful approach to it?
I personally advocate the death penalty for paedophiles etc, but you can't just lump all sex-offenders in one basket, that's irrational and counter-productive.
I feel there's an apology or two owed here, to Sir Bob, your accusations were unjustifiable and disgusting!
Shame on you!  Angry
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Any day with a smile in it is a good day
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Australian Politics

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1112 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:10am
Emma wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:03am:
yeah  so I am glad to be of the baby boomer generation. Smiley

The last golden age of humans on Earth.
All downhill now.!

Seems the current ethos is to take whatever you can, wherever you can  and enjoy it as much as possible, because the future ?  is dark.. 

We were the lucky ones... but ... nothing excuses the excesses of govt control now being sought by the current bunch of Lackeys.  I will not call them a government because they are simply incapable of governing.

A sign of the times...  Smiley

doom and destruction will rain down on us  innocent and guilty alike... 
and we will be helpless before it.
I don't cleave to any GOD... I do think

we REAP what WE SOW....   and Australia has a lot of reaping to do.
Once the Lucky Country... 

now we are anyone's bumboy.

You might be somebody's bum boy but the rest of us aren't.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1113 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:11am
Sophia wrote on Jul 5th, 2014 at 11:43pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jul 5th, 2014 at 10:56pm:
hermoine wrote on Jul 5th, 2014 at 10:54pm:
Whats wrong with watching evil getting punished? It makes me moist, fellas. Why doesnt it excitd you?

Some people knew about Rolf for the last 30 years & did nothing -

they should also be charged with failing to report a crime.

You see - take a look at the bigger picture.

I think it's the big question in many people's minds, why women (young at the time) failed to report it.
After reading statements from a few of the victims, one of them said, it wasn't easy to make a compaint or go to the police in that time of when it was "a man's world"...and that answered the big question for me.

It is the big question.

Failure to report crime -

allowing these evil ones to continue.
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1114 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:12am
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Australian Politics

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1115 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:13am
austranger wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:09am:
Clear demonstration herein of the vicious reaction caused by crimes like this, but there's NO excuse for those attacking someone for merely offering a rational observation or two.
Put your brains in gear folks, calm down and try to behave like adults, if we can't discuss things like this sensibly then what hope is there of finding a successful approach to it?
I personally advocate the death penalty for paedophiles etc, but you can't just lump all sex-offenders in one basket, that's irrational and counter-productive.
I feel there's an apology or two owed here, to Sir Bob, your accusations were unjustifiable and disgusting!
Shame on you!  Angry

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Posts: 6217
Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1116 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:26am
The level of spite and vindictiveness seen here sure is a further cause for sadness at the state of western society.

The court's decision here seems to suggest an inalienable right for the feminazis to go ahead and psychologically abuse any man they like. ..exactly the same as what they are supposed to be fighting against.

It's the selfish position of power that generally comes out in the wash as a prime motive. Women were burning bras long before Harris or the many other fiends, yet those victims seem to have cared so little of their fellow sisters that they allowed it to continue unabated for decades and decades before they'd speak up.

I'm telling you feminazis right here and now, don't you ever ever accuse me of supporting abuse to children because I find it most offensive and I will not stand for it.

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Australian Politics

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1117 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:32am
Bobby. wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:11am:
Sophia wrote on Jul 5th, 2014 at 11:43pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jul 5th, 2014 at 10:56pm:
hermoine wrote on Jul 5th, 2014 at 10:54pm:
Whats wrong with watching evil getting punished? It makes me moist, fellas. Why doesnt it excitd you?

Some people knew about Rolf for the last 30 years & did nothing -

they should also be charged with failing to report a crime.

You see - take a look at the bigger picture.

I think it's the big question in many people's minds, why women (young at the time) failed to report it.
After reading statements from a few of the victims, one of them said, it wasn't easy to make a compaint or go to the police in that time of when it was "a man's world"...and that answered the big question for me.

It is the big question.

Failure to report crime -

allowing these evil ones to continue.

Indeed.. all who knew ... 
are guilty of failing in their 'Duty of Care'.
An onus on us all...

It is an old and wise idea, that evil prevails when good folk do nothing. (my words for an old precept..)

Sadly.. we are now so poorly educated.. so bereft of an understanding of right and wrong .. that this 'culpability' is ignored or unknown.

But I do not think this is aimed at the victim... it is aimed at those others who knew.
STOP BLAMING THE VICTIMS and start putting it to those who seek power, but do not accept the responsibility.

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Australian Politics

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1118 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:43am
Amadd wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:26am:
The level of spite and vindictiveness seen here sure is a further cause for sadness at the state of western society.

The court's decision here seems to suggest an inalienable right for the feminazis to go ahead and psychologically abuse any man they like. ..exactly the same as what they are supposed to be fighting against.

It's the selfish position of power that generally comes out in the wash as a prime motive. Women were burning bras long before Harris or the many other fiends, yet those victims seem to have cared so little of their fellow sisters that they allowed it to continue unabated for decades and decades before they'd speak up.

I'm telling you feminazis right here and now, don't you ever ever accuse me of supporting abuse to children because I find it most offensive and I will not stand for it.

HEY  AMADD don't call me made up names... feminazis   Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin   .. you jest  .. or you are an utter one-eyed male fool.  I assume you are male as you are too craven to show your gender.  Altho I do recall you used to claim to be a female.  Smiley Grin

Indeed.. all who knew ...
are guilty of failing in their 'Duty of Care'.
An onus on us all...

It is an old and wise idea, that evil prevails when good folk do nothing. (my words for an old precept..)

Sadly.. we are now so poorly educated.. so bereft of an understanding of right and wrong .. that this 'culpability' is ignored  or unknown.

But I do not think this is aimed at the victim... it is aimed at those others who knew.
STOP BLAMING THE VICTIMS and start putting it to those who seek power, but do not accept the responsibility.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1119 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:56am
And as clarification...
This is NOT aimed at the victims...

you want to blame them..??  NO..??

  Well that is the norm in our society.. the victim must be responsible...  is it not?  Aren't you saying that!!!  These children are to blame 'cos they said nothing..??

If you are suggesting this YOU are scum.....  just like RH. Is that clear enough for you AMADD?.

Adults who KNEW  .. ADULTS WHO KNEW... are complicit... but...  ONLY they will know they are scum...  if they cared.

YOU on the other hand.. take up the cudgels.. for what ?? exactly.?  You say you don't excuse child molesters?

well what are you saying then AMADD??
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Posts: 6217
Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1120 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 1:10am
Emma wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:43am:
Amadd wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:26am:
The level of spite and vindictiveness seen here sure is a further cause for sadness at the state of western society.

The court's decision here seems to suggest an inalienable right for the feminazis to go ahead and psychologically abuse any man they like. ..exactly the same as what they are supposed to be fighting against.

It's the selfish position of power that generally comes out in the wash as a prime motive. Women were burning bras long before Harris or the many other fiends, yet those victims seem to have cared so little of their fellow sisters that they allowed it to continue unabated for decades and decades before they'd speak up.

I'm telling you feminazis right here and now, don't you ever ever accuse me of supporting abuse to children because I find it most offensive and I will not stand for it.

HEY  AMADD don't call me made up names... feminazis   Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin   .. you jest  .. or you are an utter one-eyed male fool.  I assume you are male as you are too craven to show your gender.  Altho I do recall you used to claim to be a female.  Smiley Grin

Indeed.. all who knew ...
are guilty of failing in their 'Duty of Care'.
An onus on us all...

It is an old and wise idea, that evil prevails when good folk do nothing. (my words for an old precept..)

Sadly.. we are now so poorly educated.. so bereft of an understanding of right and wrong .. that this 'culpability' is ignored  or unknown.

But I do not think this is aimed at the victim... it is aimed at those others who knew.
STOP BLAMING THE VICTIMS and start putting it to those who seek power, but do not accept the responsibility.

Yes the onus for duty of care is valid to be retrospective for all who witnessed ...isn't it? If you see a crime, you report it. You don't wait 40yrs.

The highlighted bit: Yes you assumed right that I'm male (check out Emma with the big brain) but I just haven't been bothered with placing any pic or symbol for now.
...and your memory has failed you. ..I think it's Honky who are referring to.

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Opinionated Sod

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Gender: male
Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1121 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 1:11am
Bobby. wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:13am:
austranger wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:09am:
Clear demonstration herein of the vicious reaction caused by crimes like this, but there's NO excuse for those attacking someone for merely offering a rational observation or two.
Put your brains in gear folks, calm down and try to behave like adults, if we can't discuss things like this sensibly then what hope is there of finding a successful approach to it?
I personally advocate the death penalty for paedophiles etc, but you can't just lump all sex-offenders in one basket, that's irrational and counter-productive.
I feel there's an apology or two owed here, to Sir Bob, your accusations were unjustifiable and disgusting!
Shame on you!  Angry


No thanks necessary Good Sir Knight, you and I can and do agree on some things and disagree on others, and that's the way it should be in a democratic civilised society. I couldn't in good conscience allow such accusations go unchallenged, not without betraying that which I hold most dear, as I believe most here do too, including yourself. I felt that some had just lost sight of that due to their natural disgust at this situation and needed reminding.
I can but hope it worked.
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Any day with a smile in it is a good day
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Posts: 9451
Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1122 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 1:22am
Amadd wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:26am:
The level of spite and vindictiveness seen here sure is a further cause for sadness at the state of western society.

The court's decision here seems to suggest an inalienable right for the feminazis to go ahead and psychologically abuse any man they like. ..exactly the same as what they are supposed to be fighting against.

It's the selfish position of power that generally comes out in the wash as a prime motive. Women were burning bras long before Harris or the many other fiends, yet those victims seem to have cared so little of their fellow sisters that they allowed it to continue unabated for decades and decades before they'd speak up.

I'm telling you feminazis right here and now, don't you ever ever accuse me of supporting abuse to children because I find it most offensive and I will not stand for it.

yes ahmad, i agree

Pedophile panic is marking our men as bad
WHEN did we start to dislike men so much that we're happy for them not to be part of our children's lives? That's the question posed by the latest ridiculous assault on the integrity of all males.

It comes in the form of a ban on schoolboys using a public pool change room after swimming lessons because men fear they will be falsely accused of pedophilia.
    Of course, the fact that many men support that decision is understandable; any man now knows he is automatically viewed with suspicion.
    That's why our children might sneak through the entire education system now without a male teacher.
    It's why men stopped jogging along bike tracks, when the city was on the lookout for the bikeway rapist.
    It's why airline staff try not to seat adult males next to children.
    And it's why most fathers I know won't supervise their young daughters' play dates, unless there is a female adult present.
    The distrust of males has been creeping up on us, fanned by the sick minds of a few who have stolen the innocence of children, and left heartache in their wake.
    But can you now be guilty simply by gender?
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Christ Light

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1123 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 1:38am
many blessings yet fear not

beloved beings , for all is well enough in

the divine light..with forgiveness and

compassion for those that still seek to attack

and abuse their brother/sister beings

all transgressions shall be addressed

in the divine light ,

and so it is


- : ) =
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Australian Politics

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Gender: female
Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1124 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 1:49am
[quote author=ID999 link=1399888262/1

Yes the onus for duty of care is valid to be retrospective for all who witnessed ...isn't it? If you see a crime, you report it. You don't wait 40yrs. 

RH never reported it.!!!  Grin Grin Grin Angry Angry Sad

The highlighted bit: Yes you assumed right that I'm male (check out Emma with the big brain) but I just haven't been bothered with placing any pic or symbol for now.
...and your memory has failed you. ..I think it's Honky who are referring to.

Umm my memory says that several male posters identified themselves as females so they could post on a THREAD 'Secret Womens Business'.

I believe you were one of those...   but hey .. I may be wrong... it does happen once in a while. Smiley

... such a pathetic effort by male supremacists.  Smiley 

Does it still exist?  I don't know.. I hope not .. because it was just more male crap... trying to shut up women with a voice.  it was in fact a fiasco.. thanks to men.  NO WOMAN would start a Thread called Secret Womens Business,...  that is JUST TOO stupid.. .


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