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Rolf facing the music (Read 111734 times)
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1125 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 1:57am
ian wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 1:22am:
Amadd wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:26am:
The level of spite and vindictiveness seen here sure is a further cause for sadness at the state of western society.

The court's decision here seems to suggest an inalienable right for the feminazis to go ahead and psychologically abuse any man they like. ..exactly the same as what they are supposed to be fighting against.

It's the selfish position of power that generally comes out in the wash as a prime motive. Women were burning bras long before Harris or the many other fiends, yet those victims seem to have cared so little of their fellow sisters that they allowed it to continue unabated for decades and decades before they'd speak up.

I'm telling you feminazis right here and now, don't you ever ever accuse me of supporting abuse to children because I find it most offensive and I will not stand for it.

yes ahmad, i agree

Pedophile panic is marking our men as bad
WHEN did we start to dislike men so much that we're happy for them not to be part of our children's lives? That's the question posed by the latest ridiculous assault on the integrity of all males.

It comes in the form of a ban on schoolboys using a public pool change room after swimming lessons because men fear they will be falsely accused of pedophilia.
    Of course, the fact that many men support that decision is understandable; any man now knows he is automatically viewed with suspicion.
    That's why our children might sneak through the entire education system now without a male teacher.
    It's why men stopped jogging along bike tracks, when the city was on the lookout for the bikeway rapist.
    It's why airline staff try not to seat adult males next to children.
    And it's why most fathers I know won't supervise their young daughters' play dates, unless there is a female adult present.
    The distrust of males has been creeping up on us, fanned by the sick minds of a few who have stolen the innocence of children, and left heartache in their wake.
    But can you now be guilty simply by gender?

Yeah, exactly the point that it's very damaging to society to head down this path. It's already blatantly apparent that there are at least a couple of women here itching to put us all in the same basket to the point of labeling us "brothers" with Rolf. I know it makes me feel absolutely terrible if I receive a sideway glance when being around kids.

Emma: I'm not blaming victims for being victims, but as adults, they should also be expected to take responsibility for themselves and others.
Just look at how your memory failed you and you mistook me for somebody else within a fairly short time period. Waiting 40yrs before speaking up is ridiculous.
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1126 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 2:05am
ian wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 1:22am:
It comes in the form of a ban on schoolboys using a public pool change room after swimming lessons because men fear they will be falsely accused of pedophilia.
    Of course, the fact that many men support that decision is understandable; any man now knows he is automatically viewed with suspicion.
    That's why our children might sneak through the entire education system now without a male teacher.
    It's why men stopped jogging along bike tracks, when the city was on the lookout for the bikeway rapist.
    It's why airline staff try not to seat adult males next to children.
    And it's why most fathers I know won't supervise their young daughters' play dates, unless there is a female adult present.
    The distrust of males has been creeping up on us, fanned by the sick minds of a few who have stolen the innocence of children, and left heartache in their wake.
    But can you now be guilty simply by gender?

Well Ian you seem to think so...  all females are out to get you..???  HUH.. dream on creepo.

No YOU say these things...  but lets just admit here,, OK,,?? 
that MEN  are responsible for the carnage in our world... 

Men have had the power for millennia  ...  only NOW... you men are starting to cry about the rise of women.

Sadly too late to save the world...  you macho arseholes have done the dirty deeds.. but now you seek lay blame somewhere else.. 

YES  MEN as a GENDER  are now recognised by the brighter folk in our community as responsible for ALL the CRAP in the WORLD.

Hey... you had the power.. you have to accept the result.

Nope  blame it on women and children ! 

Sorry.. not acceptable... you wore the shoes,,,.. you took the steps... now you are getting towards your reward....  which is chaos.........

Not quite yet tho  ... and you will take civilisation with you.. feel good about that...??

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1127 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 7:44am
it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 1:38am:
many blessings yet fear not

beloved beings , for all is well enough in

the divine light..with forgiveness and

compassion for those that still seek to attack

and abuse their brother/sister beings

all transgressions shall be addressed

in the divine light ,

and so it is


- : ) =

Very true - I think however that people are too afraid
to report these serious crimes against children -
they don't want to become involved.
The law needs to be changed so that people must report pedo crimes.

I believe that is already so for doctors in Australia  but
I'm not sure about the UK.

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1128 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 7:44am
flip page
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1129 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 7:44am
try again to flip page
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Lord Herbert
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1130 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 7:49am
hermoine wrote on Jul 5th, 2014 at 10:26pm:
I hope Rolf gets sodomised by a whole bunch of skinheads who break his hip and cause bruising and swelling to his entire 84 year old carcass. Shocked

Rolf's one saving grace is that he never raped and had vaginal intercourse with a girl. As a paedophile he was in the lowest category.

He was a hugger, not a buggerer. A groper, not a poker. He never even exposed himself to any of them. He never asked any of his 'love-interests' to suck him or pump his bishop.

He'll be out in just over 12 months. Guaranteed.

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Australian Politics

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1131 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 7:50am
An old, b-rate, club circuit entertainer gets a lousy 2 years for taking advantage of and damaging 4 womens' lives. Boo-hoo, he might get a little cold. Boo-hoo, he might lose the fortune he amassed during his criminal career. The western world's changing and Australia doesn't operate under Sharia where young girls are chattels. Rejoice!
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1132 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 7:56am
Amadd wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 1:57am:
Yeah, exactly the point that it's very damaging to society to head down this path. It's already blatantly apparent that there are at least a couple of women here itching to put us all in the same basket to the point of labeling us "brothers" with Rolf. I know it makes me feel absolutely terrible if I receive a sideway glance when being around kids.

Emma: I'm not blaming victims for being victims, but as adults, they should also be expected to take responsibility for themselves and others.
Just look at how your memory failed you and you mistook me for somebody else within a fairly short time period. Waiting 40yrs before speaking up is ridiculous.

I can understand that of course its not good for all men I would hate it...we are even down to where parents cannot photograph their own children at the swimming pool.....because a lot of the pics they find in child porn.. have been taken at swimming pools and the like......

sorry to say this.....but society didnt bring this on....a culture among a certain type of male did..

is it fair to blame a victim who suddenly finds the courage to speak in public a long time after the event???? see when something happens to you when young your mind buries it...if it didnt we would all go mad..for all you know... it wasnt until the yewtree investigation that brought up about BBC entertainers who did bad things to children.. that it all came wooshing back.. in a horrible way...and these women felt maybe I can tell the police what happened to me... remember they each thought they were the only one....

to pillory an ICON takes some doing....

you see we cannot allow any predator to think after so many years he is safe??????....

otherwise there would be no need

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1133 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 8:09am
He'll die in gaol. Why didn't all these people come forward years ago? Where were the mothers of these girls? Surely they knew. Yes he's slimy and a groper, but he's also got a sex addiction and it could have been treated years earlier.

All those people who knew about his habits, but kept quiet are complicit in enabling him to get away with it for so long. This sentence will kill him, but it seems that some people want his head on a plate and are getting a lot of pleasure watching his looming execution.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1134 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 8:19am
mantra wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 8:09am:
He'll die in gaol. Why didn't all these people come forward years ago? Where were the mothers of these girls? Surely they knew. Yes he's slimy and a groper, but he's also got a sex addiction and it could have been treated years earlier.

All those people who knew about his habits, but kept quiet are complicit in enabling him to get away with it for so long. This sentence will kill him, but it seems that some people want his head on a plate and are getting a lot of pleasure watching his looming execution.

you have to remember mantra this was a few years back.. and children where not encouraged to tell people anyone what had happened to them....

I remember walking to the local swimming pool with a friend we crossed parks to get to it...and one day this guy was jumping up at us from behind a bush showing us everything and waving to us to come over.....we ran like hell... but I never told anyone...I cant remember how old I was...and I dont recall being scared but today that guy would probably grab a child before doing anything....these are such changing times  and fortunately children are told they can speak up now...but not in those days...

I do have reservations about his wife and what she turned a blind eye too.
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Lord Herbert
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1135 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 8:29am
I'm mighty surprised he got a custodial sentence. I didn't expect that at all. The public humiliation, and the cancellation of any future appearances at entertainment venues, the compensation payouts, the ostracism from former friends and admirers, the disbanding of his fan clubs, the rejection from the people in the village where he lives, so much damage to him from so many different quarters.

I would have thought that was enough.

Incidentally, in my day it was a common perception that men with beards were perverts. Pop psychology said they 'hid' dark secrets behind their beards.

Turned out true in his case.
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1136 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 8:47am
mantra wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 8:09am:
He'll die in gaol. Why didn't all these people come forward years ago? Where were the mothers of these girls? Surely they knew. Yes he's slimy and a groper, but he's also got a sex addiction and it could have been treated years earlier.

All those people who knew about his habits, but kept quiet are complicit in enabling him to get away with it for so long. This sentence will kill him, but it seems that some people want his head on a plate and are getting a lot of pleasure watching his looming execution.

Yes - he may very well die of hypothermia in jail.
Why not just hang em & get it over & done with quickly?
He's too old to go to jail.

He should have got home detention & at least from there he could
have organised some compensation for all his victims.

I feel that this way his victims won't get a penny.
His wealth will end up in his wife's name & be safe from civil law courts.
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1137 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 8:57am
Lord Herbert wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 7:49am:
hermoine wrote on Jul 5th, 2014 at 10:26pm:
I hope Rolf gets sodomised by a whole bunch of skinheads who break his hip and cause bruising and swelling to his entire 84 year old carcass. Shocked

Rolf's one saving grace is that he never raped and had vaginal intercourse with a girl. As a paedophile he was in the lowest category.

He was a hugger, not a buggerer. A groper, not a poker. He never even exposed himself to any of them. He never asked any of his 'love-interests' to suck him or pump his bishop.

He'll be out in just over 12 months. Guaranteed.

are you sure??????...what he has been charged with here yes you are right.......

but from what we have read since......there is no guarantee he didnt do any of that....this is the extent of some of this..

I remember years ago when being GAY was a No No in Hollywood.. and Rock Hudson was THE LEADING man of the moment.and as Gay as a nutmeg...anyway there was also another handsome leading man also Gay...and word had got out that about someone being caught... and the studio made a choice either Rock or the other guy someone called George would be the scape goat...Geo it was and his career went out the window and we all know what happened to Rock..Rock also had a sham marriage arranged by the studio...

however its all about the cover ups.. and I cant help thinking Rolf is a being used to take the heat off others...they had to name someone...he isnt alone I dont doubt that for a minute...

but they stick together and dont drop each other in...did Rolf once point the finger at Saville...???? no he didnt..and hes dead...and they were great mates....
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1138 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 9:03am
Bobby. wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 8:47am:
Yes - he may very well die of hypothermia in jail.
Why not just hang em & get it over & done with quickly?
He's too old to go to jail.

He should have got home detention & at least from there he could
have organised some compensation for all his victims.

I feel that this way his victims won't get a penny.
His wealth will end up in his wife's name & be safe from civil law courts.

he wont go to ordinary jail thats for sure.....remember Alan Bond... Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

and his victims are already suing between them and the lawyers he wont be left with much.,

HOME DETENTION   Roll Eyes  would that be enough if you were the victim????...

I mean he lives in a $9 mil mansion...

maybe home det.  in a homeless refuge...

the victims are not at all happy with this sentence and already a appeal has gone in about the leniency of the sentence.......and so it goes on.
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1139 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 9:18am
It's absolutely telling now he's been found guilty with all these other women that have now come out of the woodwork claiming he assaulted them, that it's all about the money.

No doubt there are many many other women who he has met over his life time, whom he never touched, that are going think they've been discriminated against.  Tongue

Maybe they'll mount another class action to that affect so they can get in for their share of his fortune?  Grin

The more claimants the less for his genuine victims.

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