ian wrote on Jul 6
th, 2014 at 1:22am:
It comes in the form of a ban on schoolboys using a public pool change room after swimming lessons because men fear they will be falsely accused of pedophilia.
Of course, the fact that many men support that decision is understandable; any man now knows he is automatically viewed with suspicion.
That's why our children might sneak through the entire education system now without a male teacher.
It's why men stopped jogging along bike tracks, when the city was on the lookout for the bikeway rapist.
It's why airline staff try not to seat adult males next to children.
And it's why most fathers I know won't supervise their young daughters' play dates, unless there is a female adult present.
The distrust of males has been creeping up on us, fanned by the sick minds of a few who have stolen the innocence of children, and left heartache in their wake.
But can you now be guilty simply by gender?
Well Ian you seem to think so... all females are out to get you..??? HUH.. dream on creepo.
No YOU say these things... but lets just admit here,, OK,,??
that MEN are responsible for the carnage in our world...
Men have had the power for millennia ... only NOW... you men are starting to cry about the rise of women.
Sadly too late to save the world... you macho arseholes have done the dirty deeds.. but now you seek lay blame somewhere else..
YES MEN as a GENDER are now recognised by the brighter folk in our community as responsible for ALL the CRAP in the WORLD.
Hey... you had the power.. you have to accept the result.
Nope blame it on women and children !
Sorry.. not acceptable... you wore the shoes,,,.. you took the steps... now you are getting towards your reward.... which is chaos.........
Not quite yet tho ... and you will take civilisation with you.. feel good about that...??