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Rolf facing the music (Read 111709 times)
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1140 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 9:20am
cods wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 9:03am:
Bobby. wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 8:47am:
Yes - he may very well die of hypothermia in jail.
Why not just hang em & get it over & done with quickly?
He's too old to go to jail.

He should have got home detention & at least from there he could
have organised some compensation for all his victims.

I feel that this way his victims won't get a penny.
His wealth will end up in his wife's name & be safe from civil law courts.

he wont go to ordinary jail thats for sure.....remember Alan Bond... Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

and his victims are already suing between them and the lawyers he wont be left with much.,

HOME DETENTION   Roll Eyes  would that be enough if you were the victim????...

I mean he lives in a $9 mil mansion...

maybe home det.  in a homeless refuge...

the victims are not at all happy with this sentence and already a appeal has gone in about the leniency of the sentence.......and so it goes on.

What about home detention in a 2 star motel room?

Would that satisfy everyone's justice lust?
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1141 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 9:21am
Gnads wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 9:18am:
It's absolutely telling now he's been found guilty with all these other women that have now come out of the woodwork claiming he assaulted them, that it's all about the money.

No doubt there are many many other women who he has met over his life time, whom he never touched, that are going think they've been discriminated against.  Tongue

Maybe they'll mount another class action to that affect so they can get in for their share of his fortune?  Grin

The more claimants the less for his genuine victims.

Yes - it' all about money now.
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red baron
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1142 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 10:01am
Sorry Sir Bobby, Rolf hasn't been sent to prison for rehabilitation, he has been sent there for punishment for his crimes. Yes, punishment, a lot of people seem to think that prison should be a ain't!

In Britain the relevant Minister has ordered the removal of Sky TV and removed other privileges because there is a growing concern that prison is becoming soft. Prison should be hard, bloody hard.

O.K. if prisoners want to educate themselves and try to find a path but don't make it soft on the bastards.

They are there for punishment for their crimes.
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Ex Dame Pansi
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1143 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 10:02am

What about six months in jail then five years of home detention with very strict regulations including nil visitors allowed. That would wipe the smirk off his wife's face too.
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"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." Hendrix
andrei said: Great isn't it? Seeing boatloads of what is nothing more than human garbage turn up.....
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1144 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 10:37am

No YOU say these things...  but lets just admit here,, OK,,?? 
that MEN  are responsible for the carnage in our world... 

Men have had the power for millennia  ...  only NOW... you men are starting to cry about the rise of women.

Sadly too late to save the world...  you macho arseholes have done the dirty deeds.. but now you seek lay blame somewhere else.. 

YES  MEN as a GENDER  are now recognised by the brighter folk in our community as responsible for ALL the CRAP in the WORLD.

Hey... you had the power.. you have to accept the result.

Nope  blame it on women and children ! 

Sorry.. not acceptable... you wore the shoes,,,.. you took the steps... now you are getting towards your reward....  which is chaos.........

Not quite yet tho  ... and you will take civilisation with you.. feel good about that...??

I totally agree with you that men are largely responsible for the atrocities in the world, but the vast majority are average caring people who try their best.
Actually, I support some type of medical procedure to take away the urges of repeat offenders, but that's a dicey area and I would expect a lot of opposition to this idea.

If you do a little research into how having women in charge might reduce wars and violence, you should be surprised to find that it's not the case.

Here's a little snip from an article that took me about 10 seconds to find.
When it came to aggression, the evidence was more ambiguous: Hyde found a "moderate" gender difference in physical aggression (men were, on average, moderately more physically aggressive than women), but the picture was more complex when other forms of aggression were factored in: Women, for instance, may be slightly more "relationally aggressive." In certain contexts, different studies suggest, women may be as (or even slightly more) physically aggressive than men, although men's greater strength makes them more dangerous when they become aggressive.

....When it comes to aggression, the picture becomes even more complex if we take away the social context and cues that powerfully affect behavior. In one study, participants who believed that researchers would not know their names or genders defied standard assumptions about gender and aggression. In a simulated conflict setting, men chose to drop more bombs than women when they believed researchers knew their identities, but when study subjects believed themselves to be anonymous, women actually dropped more bombs than male participants.

Yes, your attitude is definitely one of my pet hates. I think you're merely after something for nothing. A usurper of power with a vindictive nature is dangerous to any society.
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1145 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 10:50am
A few years in jail might be the best thing that ever happened to Rolf!  Time to quitely reflect on what he did, what really matters and to make peace with His creator!  YEP jail might save his sad rrrrse from an eternity in Hell.  (According to the Bible to which I am still undecided on)... 

BUT if real, then this creep has a chance to repent!
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1146 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 10:55am
The sentence, to me, appears lenient given Harris pleaded not guilty and remains silent on remorse. 

Have now read the Court of Appeal transcript that guided Justice Sweeney in reaching his decision on Harris' crimes and in this context I'd be surprised if there's any increase to the sentence.

I'll attempt to post a link if anyone is interested.

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1147 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 11:21am
I have to wonder what the advantage of more time in jail would be, given he is no longer a threat to society??  Victims of sexual abuse can seek healing without revenge etc...  Then again for each of us our path to healing is different.

In saying that I am not saying the victims were wrong to come forward!  I'm glad they did.  But increasing a jail sentence at this stage seems worthless.  Had the victims felt able to come forward earlier (though I know that's not always a reality given the emotional damage and in particular trust issues) but had they come forward when Rolf was still a threat then a maximum jail sentence would have been beneficial.
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1148 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 11:54am
Alinta wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 10:55am:
The sentence, to me, appears lenient given Harris pleaded not guilty and remains silent on remorse. 

Have now read the Court of Appeal transcript that guided Justice Sweeney in reaching his decision on Harris' crimes and in this context I'd be surprised if there's any increase to the sentence.

I'll attempt to post a link if anyone is interested.

Please do.  Further.....this lack remorse issue after a denial of guilt.  How can any person credibly express remorse for an act when at all times (including on oath) they have denied committing the act.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1149 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:14pm
Here you go Aussie.......I understand what you're saying re lack of expressing credible remorse after complete denial of guilt.

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« Last Edit: Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:20pm by Alinta »  
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1150 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:32pm
red baron wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 10:01am:
Sorry Sir Bobby, Rolf hasn't been sent to prison for rehabilitation, he has been sent there for punishment for his crimes. Yes, punishment, a lot of people seem to think that prison should be a ain't!

In Britain the relevant Minister has ordered the removal of Sky TV and removed other privileges because there is a growing concern that prison is becoming soft. Prison should be hard, bloody hard.

O.K. if prisoners want to educate themselves and try to find a path but don't make it soft on the bastards.

They are there for punishment for their crimes.
Incorrect, he has been sent there as punisment and for rehabilitation. That is why all offenders of any type are sent to priosn.
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red baron
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1151 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:34pm
I think his sentence is adequate. Even 3 years inside is a lifetime for someone of Harris' age. I'll be surprised if he doesn't die in prison.
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1152 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:50pm
red baron wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:34pm:
I think his sentence is adequate. Even 3 years inside is a lifetime for someone of Harris' age. I'll be surprised if he doesn't die in prison.

After reading in the Court of Appeal context, I agree it's adequate.

Previously, it seemed lenient to me.........perhaps because expert (and not so expert) reports in the media geared me up to believe Harris would spend many, many years in prison?????
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1153 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 1:01pm
Alinta wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:14pm:
Here you go Aussie.......I understand what you're saying re lack of expressing credible remorse after complete denial of guilt.

Thanks Alinta.  Read that.  I reckon the existing Harris sentence will hold.
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Senior Member

Australian Politics

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1154 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 1:05pm
I read it as well. Do they always change the name on those docs?  I was confused to start with and thought it was a different case. 

(also can I share that link with others?)  I assume it's public info?
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