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Rolf facing the music (Read 111747 times)
Lord Herbert
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1170 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 7:41pm
cods wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 6:07pm:
I beliv e another 30 women have come out with complaints about Rolf...looks like he had too much time on his hands...oops... so once again I do not believe his wife didnt know about his BAD habit...and for all we know it did go further...we are not told about whats coming out now..

.this is what he did in public.. I shudder to think  what went on behind closed doors..


I'm still haunted by visions of what Michael Jackson might have been doing to Bubbles behind closed doors.

If Bubbles is still alive, someone ought to sue the Jackson estate on his behalf to get enough compensation to keep him in bananas and peanuts for the rest of his life.

Bubbles has probably been suffering from depression and post-traumatic stress ever since he was first molested and groped by Michael.

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1171 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 7:44pm
real men.. not quaking old farts who long for days gone by.  Get over it.

Female warriors have been known down the eons...  even tribes of them..  yep... and feared

Dear Emma,
you've been reading too many Germaine Greer books.


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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1172 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 8:40pm
Emma wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 8:35pm:
austranger wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 1:11am:
Bobby. wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:13am:
austranger wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:09am:
Clear demonstration herein of the vicious reaction caused by crimes like this, but there's NO excuse for those attacking someone for merely offering a rational observation or two.
Put your brains in gear folks, calm down and try to behave like adults, if we can't discuss things like this sensibly then what hope is there of finding a successful approach to it?
I personally advocate the death penalty for paedophiles etc, but you can't just lump all sex-offenders in one basket, that's irrational and counter-productive.
I feel there's an apology or two owed here, to Sir Bob, your accusations were unjustifiable and disgusting!
Shame on you!  Angry


No thanks necessary Good Sir Knight, you and I can and do agree on some things and disagree on others, and that's the way it should be in a democratic civilised society. I couldn't in good conscience allow such accusations go unchallenged, not without betraying that which I hold most dear, as I believe most here do too, including yourself. I felt that some had just lost sight of that due to their natural disgust at this situation and needed reminding.
I can but hope it worked.

Umm AJAX.. I don't think it worked..!!  Cheesy
try speaking a little more clearly if you want to send a message.

I enjoyed that apology -

the more grovelling the better.   Grin
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Lord Herbert
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1173 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 8:54pm
More muck dredged up about Rolf Harris.

He was a lot more prolific than we've first been led to believe. 'Octopus' on steroids and a skateboard.

Jesus, what an ugly creep.

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1174 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 8:57pm
Lord Herbert wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 8:54pm:
More muck dredged up about Rolf Harris.

He was a lot more prolific than we've first been led to believe. 'Octopus' on steroids and a skateboard.

Jesus, what an ugly creep.


Walter, I think she came out prior to the conviction, yeas?
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1175 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 9:29pm
Alinta wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 12:14pm:
Here you go Aussie.......I understand what you're saying re lack of expressing credible remorse after complete denial of guilt.

Thank you so much Alinta.
Well worth reading.
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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1176 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 9:32pm
Lord Herbert wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 8:54pm:
More muck dredged up about Rolf Harris.

He was a lot more prolific than we've first been led to believe. 'Octopus' on steroids and a skateboard.

Jesus, what an ugly creep.


something Im not understanding, perhaps you can help me Herbert
Their allegations come after 84-year-old Harris was jailed for almost six years last Friday at London's Southwark Crown Court after being unmasked as a predator with a fixation for underage girls.
All this coming out of the woodwork, Rolf apparently had a fixation for underage girls.  If this was the case why was he also fondling and molesting mature age women?

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1177 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 10:09pm
ian wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 9:32pm:
Lord Herbert wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 8:54pm:
More muck dredged up about Rolf Harris.

He was a lot more prolific than we've first been led to believe. 'Octopus' on steroids and a skateboard.

Jesus, what an ugly creep.


something Im not understanding, perhaps you can help me Herbert
Their allegations come after 84-year-old Harris was jailed for almost six years last Friday at London's Southwark Crown Court after being unmasked as a predator with a fixation for underage girls.
All this coming out of the woodwork, Rolf apparently had a fixation for underage girls.  If this was the case why was he also fondling and molesting mature age women?

Hang em and hang em high

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1178 - Jul 6th, 2014 at 10:28pm
[/quote]All this coming out of the woodwork, Rolf apparently had a fixation for underage girls.  [u]If this was the case why was he also fondling and molesting mature age women?

HUH???  wot ????

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh !!! 
it becomes clear... 

Ian.......  your incomprehension shown in the above comment .. what can I say... ??? 

Sad Sad Sad  namaste

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1179 - Jul 7th, 2014 at 1:56am
Emma wrote on Jul 6th, 2014 at 7:31pm:

Sorry.. not acceptable... you wore the shoes,,,.. you took the steps... now you are getting towards your reward....  which is chaos.........

Not quite yet tho  ... and you will take civilisation with you.. feel good about that...??

I totally agree with you that men are largely responsible for the atrocities in the world, but the vast majority are average caring people who try their best.
Actually, I support some type of medical procedure to take away the urges of repeat offenders, but that's a dicey area and I would expect a lot of opposition to this idea.

If you do a little research into how having women in charge might reduce wars and violence, you should be surprised to find that it's not the case.

Here's a little snip from an article that took me about 10 seconds to find.
When it came to aggression, the evidence was more ambiguous: Hyde found a "moderate" gender difference in physical aggression (men were, on average, moderately more physically aggressive than women), but the picture was more complex when other forms of aggression were factored in: Women, for instance, may be slightly more "relationally aggressive." In certain contexts, different studies suggest, women may be as (or even slightly more) physically aggressive than men, although men's greater strength makes them more dangerous when they become aggressive.

....When it comes to aggression, the picture becomes even more complex if we take away the social context and cues that powerfully affect behavior. In one study, participants who believed that researchers would not know their names or genders defied standard assumptions about gender and aggression. In a simulated conflict setting, men chose to drop more bombs than women when they believed researchers knew their identities, but when study subjects believed themselves to be anonymous, women actually dropped more bombs than male participants.

Yes, your attitude is definitely one of my pet hates. I think you're merely after something for nothing. A usurper of power with a vindictive nature is dangerous to any society.

Ah Amadd...  were you referring to me in the hi-lited portion above.?   Or  strong women..? 

I totally agree.. and I'll say it again... the female is deadlier than the male....   
given a fair pitch.

Precisely why men have in their fear,, trod women into the dirt for thousands of years. 
BUT see.. you can't afford to do that now... without the female workforce....   we would truly be in deep do do... 

and shucks .. that means education, a bit of personal freedom... 

Don't be dinosaurs Guys...  Go with flow.. and accept the inevitabilty of women and men  being considered truly of equal worth.

The nicest people I've ever known have often been men.. 

but real men.. not quaking old farts who long for days gone by.  Get over it.

Female warriors have been known down the eons...  even tribes of them..  yep... and feared ///  ?? 


Ahh Emma Emma.What do you really expect? Do you expect all males to be quaking in their boots at the behest of your dribble for the apparent crime of being born male, or do you expect an ordinary reaction like some heartfelt sorrow and pity for your stuffedupedness?

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Australian Politics

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1180 - Jul 7th, 2014 at 3:24am
i expect nothing
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Australian Politics

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1181 - Jul 7th, 2014 at 4:15am
Bobby,, you defend a pedophile and attack women, then run and hide behind the moderators. Make your bed, lie in it.
not forgiven
nasty man
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Christ Light

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1182 - Jul 7th, 2014 at 5:45am

Brazen Rolf Harris wanted to star in WA child protection video in 1980s

A BRAZEN Rolf Harris had the audacity to meet with WA’s top authorities – including police and the education department – in an attempt to front a local safety campaign about child sexual abuse in the 1980s.

In 1986, Harris offered to create an educational video for schools telling kids how to deal with sex predators.

The now disgraced singer wanted to produce and act in the video, one year after he made a 20-minute film called Kids Can Say No for a UK child protection charity.

In the British video, which re-emerged this week, Harris sings with a group of children: “My body’s nobody’s body but mine. You run your own body. Let me run mine.”

Chillingly, the last of the 12 counts of indecent assault against girls of which Harris was convicted happened just weeks after he held talks with officials in Perth.

Criminologist Carol Ronken told The Sunday Times “extremely manipulative” child sex offenders didn’t just groom their victims, but entire organisations and communities.

Ms Ronken said by placing themselves in positions of trust, abusers could silence their victims, gain access to kids and appease feelings of guilt.

While Harris was visiting Perth in April 1986, a meeting was convened by Des Semple, who was director-general of the State’s Community Services Department at the time.


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Christ Light

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1183 - Jul 7th, 2014 at 5:47am


Published on Jan 13, 2013
UK police are poised to arrest a music World Known Superstar for allegedly abusing 10-year-old boys..
The Star reported that seven high-profile public figures are in the sights of Operation Yewtree officers..
Among them is one of the music world's most famous stars, it was claimed..
Police must wait for some suspects to return from abroad before making arrests, said the paper.Jimmy Savile had an unhealthy interest in corpses, it has been claimed..
Stoke Mandeville Hospital is investigating Jimmy Savile's lone visits to its morgue..
The hospital, where Savile is alleged to have sexually assaulted children, is conducting a probe into concerns that he may have "interacted inappropriately" with corpses..
he Sun reports a 1990 interview with Savile in which he spoke of his pleasure in being around dead bodies. In the interview, Savile described being alone with dead people as:
...a privilege and an honour..
Some people get hold of the fact that Jim likes looking after cadavers and say, 'Aha, Jim's a necrophiliac!' I'm not a necrophiliac..
The hospital, where Savile had his own room and allegedly abused several young patients, is probing whether he had keys to the mortuary or "interacted inappropriately" with corpses..
A spokesman said: "We have been shocked to hear of the very serious allegations about Jimmy Savile. We continue to co-operate fully with the police..
Savile, who died last year at 84, said: "One of my jobs is to take away the deceased. You can look after somebody, be alone with somebody, who has lived a whole lifetime, and I'm just saying goodbye and looking after him..
Tape has emerged which appears to be a recording of one of the late Jimmy Savile's off-air conversations with a young woman..
Some viewers may find parts of this report distressing. Commander Peter Spindler, head of the inquiry, said Savile had "groomed a nation" and preyed on 450 victims, aged between eight and 47, over a 54-year period. Almost a fifth of his victims were boys..
A Metropolitan Police report giving the findings of Operation Yewtree, the investigation into Savile's offending launched after an ITV documentary exposed his paedophilia last year, says that 450 people have now made complaints to the police, and to date 214 offences have been identified across 28 police force areas. They include 126 indecent acts and 34 rapes...
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Christ Light

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Re: Rolf facing the music
Reply #1184 - Jul 7th, 2014 at 5:51am

Operation Ore documentary Part 1

The Satanic Pedophiles Of Hollywood & Their Corruption Of Children


Prayer for Infinite Protection by Archangel Michael

Prayer for Divine Peace to all children of God on Earth by Inayat Khan

Prayer for Peace

Send us Thy peace, O Lord,
which is perfect and everlasting, that our souls may radiate peace.

Send us Thy peace, O Lord,
thay we may think, act, and speak harmoniously.

Send us Thy peace, O Lord,
that we may be contented and thankful for Thy bountiful gifts.

Send us Thy peace, O Lord,
that amidst our worldly strife we may enjoy Thy bliss.

Send us Thy peace, O Lord,
that we may endure all and tolerate all in the thought of Thy grace and mercy.

Send us Thy peace, O Lord,
that our lives may become a divine vision, and in Thy light all darkness may vanish.

Send us Thy peace, O Lord,
our Father and Mother, that we, Thy children on earth may all unite in one family.


Hazrat Inayat Khan
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« Last Edit: Jul 7th, 2014 at 6:35am by it_is_the_light »  

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