Published on Jan 13, 2013
UK police are poised to arrest a music World Known Superstar for allegedly abusing 10-year-old boys..
The Star reported that seven high-profile public figures are in the sights of Operation Yewtree officers..
Among them is one of the music world's most famous stars, it was claimed..
Police must wait for some suspects to return from abroad before making arrests, said the paper.Jimmy Savile had an unhealthy interest in corpses, it has been claimed..
Stoke Mandeville Hospital is investigating Jimmy Savile's lone visits to its morgue..
The hospital, where Savile is alleged to have sexually assaulted children, is conducting a probe into concerns that he may have "interacted inappropriately" with corpses..
he Sun reports a 1990 interview with Savile in which he spoke of his pleasure in being around dead bodies. In the interview, Savile described being alone with dead people as:
...a privilege and an honour..
Some people get hold of the fact that Jim likes looking after cadavers and say, 'Aha, Jim's a necrophiliac!' I'm not a necrophiliac..
The hospital, where Savile had his own room and allegedly abused several young patients, is probing whether he had keys to the mortuary or "interacted inappropriately" with corpses..
A spokesman said: "We have been shocked to hear of the very serious allegations about Jimmy Savile. We continue to co-operate fully with the police..
Savile, who died last year at 84, said: "One of my jobs is to take away the deceased. You can look after somebody, be alone with somebody, who has lived a whole lifetime, and I'm just saying goodbye and looking after him..
Tape has emerged which appears to be a recording of one of the late Jimmy Savile's off-air conversations with a young woman..
Some viewers may find parts of this report distressing. Commander Peter Spindler, head of the inquiry, said Savile had "groomed a nation" and preyed on 450 victims, aged between eight and 47, over a 54-year period. Almost a fifth of his victims were boys..
A Metropolitan Police report giving the findings of Operation Yewtree, the investigation into Savile's offending launched after an ITV documentary exposed his paedophilia last year, says that 450 people have now made complaints to the police, and to date 214 offences have been identified across 28 police force areas. They include 126 indecent acts and 34 rapes...
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