Amadd wrote on Jun 10
th, 2014 at 11:29pm:
Now it's time to put yourself on the line....if you have the balls to do so.
The real filthy creeps are the ones who lurk here.
The ones who are totally devoid of any talent whatsoever, and the ones who have a desperate need to take down those who have displayed a very certain worth to the world.
I am beyond doubt that Rolf has in his heart a desire for the love of all mankind, which has (IMO) been displayed within his artful life.
If you can do any better, then please let me know.
I doubt that you could imagine bringing any more worth to yourself than bringing down the talent that you yourself had once desired.
WELL - that's rather put a damper on the evening, hasn't it? Was it my salmon mousse or just the fish sauce - both South African, I'm afraid...
(**down at the downtown Academy Award of OzPolitic).....
"and the winning entry for this year's Greatest and Most Rambling Generalisation... goes to.... (drrrrruummm rrrrrrrrrroooooollll).......
"Now it's time to put yourself on the line....if you have the balls to do so.
The real filthy creeps are the ones who lurk here.
The ones who are totally devoid of any talent whatsoever, and the ones who have a desperate need to take down those who have displayed a very certain worth to the world."**winner tap-dances humbly, cart-wheeling all the way in a very self-effacing manner..
"Phew.. I'm.. I'm overwhelmed. What can I say? Mum.. Dad.. yeah.. you had a part in it.. or dad had a part in.. well, you know.. but... hey.. look.. this is the culmination of my career as a writer on OzPolitic, and I.. ahhh.. well, I really think I can never go any better... but remember that old adage.. The Best Is Yet To come! Thank you... thank you all! Love yez all.... well.. apart from the real filthy creeps I named.... the ones devoid of talent, etc...... thank you all again for this wonderful award!"
Triumphal music as the Winner strides manfully back to his seat waving to his adoring fans..... blowing kisses.... waving his Oscar in the air.... the auditorium quietens again after a time...
".... and now, to present our Academy Award for the Greatest Wankel Engine of 2014, let me introduce...."