Quantum wrote on Aug 14
th, 2014 at 4:25pm:
What I can never understand about the pandering that goes on to keep the muzzys happy is, that;
A) there are more people that get pissed off by it than what there are Muslims to win over. Even if every Muslim in Australia worshiped the ones who backflip to keep them happy, there will always be a greater number of non Muslims turned off by it.
Yes, but, the backflip won't lose Abbott any votes except a decimal point from mainstream Australia.
The Great Muslim Hypocrisy of course, is that the vast majority of our Muslims who we are told are 'Moderates' ~ quietly cooperate with their 'Community Leaders' who tell our government they are dead set against tighter terrorism laws.
If these homegrown terrorists were Australians of British immigrant parents or grandparents, and the Abbott government brought in tighter terrorism laws to identify and sort out these bastards ~ you wouldn't hear a single solitary word of objection from the 'British Community'.
The British-Australians would be asking the government for even tighter laws to wipe out this shame and this scourge upon the adopted new homeland.
But here we have The Usual Suspects moaning about Abbott monstering the Muslim community.
It's time a strong leader was elected to sort out this endlessly troublesome malignant cancer that we know as the 'Muslim Community'. It's time to start cherry-picking amongst them for the purpose of permanent deportations back to Arabland.
I'm still in shock that tough-guy Abbott who has had no problem offending every section of Australian society, is now seen to drop his pants and touch his toes for the Muslim leadership in this country.