halal certification is the mark of the beast on our goods as predicted in Rev 13:17
Revelations 13:17 And that
no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
So who is this beast?
Well Rev 13:18 tells us who it is
Revelations 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding
count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.This
site explains it below for those who want to understand
Below is a picture of a typewritten Interlinear Greek text of the 666 in Revelation 13:18.
Reading from left to right, the first Greek letter, χ (pronounced “chi”) has a numerical value of 600.
The middle Greek letter, ξ, is pronounced “xi”, and it has a numerical value of 60.
The third Greek letter, ς, is pronounced “stigma”. Although its assigned numerical value has changed since the first century, back in the first century the stigma had a numerical value of 6. We might also note that the stigma has a literal meaning of “scar, mark, or badge of service”.
When we put all of these letters together we get Χξς, which has a numerical value of 600 + 60 +6 = 666.
The Islamic 666 hypothesis tells us that Yochanan was shown a vision of the Arabic as the ‘Bismallah’ (the “Name of Allah”), shown below.
If we flip the Bismallah (the Name of Allah) around, we can see a striking similarity to the Codex Vaticanus, which is widely believed to be the oldest known Greek manuscript still extant, dated circa 350 CE. The line above the xi (under the words “A.D. 350”) is not an underline, but is actually part of the hand-written text.
Crossed swords are commonly used in Islam to denote conquest. Therefore, if we add crossed swords to the left of the middle character (xi), and remember that the stigma on the right has the meaning of ‘scar, mark, or badge of service’ we get crossed swords, the Name of Allah (Bismallah), and the word ‘mark’ (Χξς).
Going on the evil ways of muslims around the globe, I'll put my trust in the above statement that islam is the beast of Revelations.
halal certification is the mark of the beast required to buy and sell