Bowen wrote on May 16
th, 2014 at 4:18pm:
When you offend others, can you ask the victim, don't feel my offending.
When the people of other races talk the same type of words to you, don't you feel offending? Actually, it's the racists talk about insult and provoking at first. Don't you feel the words like "go back to ..." or "fck off" offend you?
How about this. We collect the speech of racists here. Change the word Chinese(or Asian, Muslim) to White or European. Don't you think the same speech offend you?
Having hurt feelings is not sufficient justification to forcibly silence someone. we all have a right to self-ownership that cannot be trumped due to giving an opinion as giving an opinion doesn't violate the rights of others like assault/theft does.
Taking offence to something is ridiculously subjective and immeasurable, people can take offence to anything and feeling hurt over something is not sufficient justification to use force against people, or else I'd just feel offended by the worlds banking policies and have all of the bankers arrested for offending me.
Force is not the answer to stopping thing you simply don't like, or did we forget that little child hood lesson? Don't hit your sibling, use your words? It's a good lesson "don't initiate force, violence or coercion" it's simple it's clean and it works.
If you want to stop racism, bigotry or anything that you don't like, you stop it with education, with incentive, ostracism and changing the social norms. Do we have laws to keep people standing in line at the shops? Of course not yet most of us do.....Like I said change the social norms in society it's far more effective then trying to use force and far more moral.
Or do we not give a f*ck about peoples right to self-ownership any more?