Bowen wrote on May 18
th, 2014 at 8:11pm:
Your problem is, you don't know how to live with Chinese migrants equally. Many old Chinese migrants may not know what's equal, but we know.
We have more confidence and are proud of our culture as you are proud your culture. As I said, we are not refugee, we are scientists, engineers, thinkers, ... We will participate to the society as equal members. You are no more superior. That's why you hate us. It's 21th century, you'd better fit for it, learn to live with other cultures equally.
Quantum wrote on May 18
th, 2014 at 12:21pm:
Bowen wrote on May 18
th, 2014 at 11:43am:
When more and more well educated Chinese come to Australia, you will meet more and more Chinese Australian like me. Different from most of the Chinese migrants you met before, we are scientists, philosophers, thinkers. We contribute to Australia, and will participate to lead this country too.
hazy123 wrote on May 18
th, 2014 at 8:25am:
Bowen is really passionate about the struggle of the Chinese people and really passionate about the racism and ignorance of Australians. And where is he? Yep, you guessed it. Guzzlin' down big macs in Australia. Please explain!!!
We were happier with the old Chinese immigrants. The ones who knew how lucky they were to be here and whose kids grew up to be as Australian as any white child. Your type have come to make china 2.0. We sure as hell don't want you participating in leading us. In fact you probably shouldn't be allowed to vote. I can see the day when there are enough of you china faithful types living here so as to vote democracy away.
Still playing the race card. Still trying to pretend that this is about the big bad white men who hate innocent loveable Chinese people because they are different. All BS. I treat my Chinese friends with as much respect as any of my white friends. But then again, my Chinese friends are Australians, not Chinese arseholes like yourself.
This comment here is the real problem;
Quote:We have more confidence and are proud of our culture as you are proud your culture.
You are so proud of your culture that you left it to live in my culture. Now you want to say that you can take the hospitality that my culture has offered you and reject it by bringing your failed culture with you.
In the middle of the ocean or on the surface of the moon, you can argue as much as you want that your Chinese culture is equall to Australian culture. Buy here, in Australia, your culture ain't worth shlt. You have come into our house, you will live and play by our ways or you can bugger off back home.
Australia is not the UN. There are no '
we all have different ways, but here in this room we are all equals' political diplomacy type ideas. Australia is Australia, it has its own ways and it's own culture. Respect it, fit in, or bugger off. It cannot be made any clearer than that.