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mincing poodle pyne directs bishop (Read 27290 times)
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Re: mincing poodle pyne directs bishop
Reply #90 - May 24th, 2014 at 6:12pm
Andrei.Hicks wrote on May 24th, 2014 at 6:04pm:
Aussie wrote on May 24th, 2014 at 6:02pm:
Andrei.Hicks wrote on May 24th, 2014 at 5:58pm:
I'm finding some of the responses on this thread to be puerile and unworthy of response.

Gee, thanks ever so much for that Andrei.  I know I feel all the better after your sharing of that.

You bias blinds you from seeing it. You go ahead Aussie.
Then again if these threads keep you from your one man crusade on PMing us then I'm all for it.

That's very naughty of you Mr Moderator.  My last PM to you was six days ago.  Further, aren't those communications, and that there have been any, meant to be kept confidential?
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Opinionated Sod

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Re: mincing poodle pyne directs bishop
Reply #91 - May 24th, 2014 at 6:18pm

           Any discussion of Pyne must inevitably be puerile, it's what he is after all.  Grin

      Abboortnicks getting sooky is a natural reaction any time Pyne comes to the fore, he causes that reaction all by himself, in normal people he causes the gag reflex!  Grin
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Re: mincing poodle pyne directs bishop
Reply #92 - May 24th, 2014 at 6:27pm
Soren wrote on May 24th, 2014 at 5:10pm:
Imagine if Pyne had winked, rather than raise his arm!!!

The perpetual, professional offence-seekers and offence-takers would be writhing on the floor, puce-faced, spluttering.

Puerile hypothetical situations like this are a waste of time. Why do you bother?
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You are not entitled to your opinion. You are only entitled to hold opinions that you can defend through sound, reasoned argument.
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Christ Light

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Re: mincing poodle pyne directs bishop
Reply #93 - May 24th, 2014 at 6:48pm
Bam wrote on May 24th, 2014 at 6:27pm:
Soren wrote on May 24th, 2014 at 5:10pm:
Imagine if Pyne had winked, rather than raise his arm!!!

The perpetual, professional offence-seekers and offence-takers would be writhing on the floor, puce-faced, spluttering.

Puerile hypothetical situations like this are a waste of time. Why do you bother?

quite correct and upright ,

this is a clear observation grounded in fact

the focus from the dark is " what if "

lets focus on " what is "

australian politics in now exposed

for the sham it factually is

headed and directed by the conductor

whom owns and operates the speaker

their acting is getting worse

yet joyfully received as we continue to watch

shame canberra shame

yet all is forgiven


- : ) =
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Opinionated Sod

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Re: mincing poodle pyne directs bishop
Reply #94 - May 24th, 2014 at 6:50pm
       Hey, we're heading for read a 1000 times, the pusillanimous pouting ponce will be pleased he's apparently so popular, perchance?

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Christ Light

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Re: mincing poodle pyne directs bishop
Reply #95 - May 24th, 2014 at 6:54pm
many blessings

it is quite correct to observe

these psychopaths as they try to pull off

this non human agenda conducted by

these jesuits whom have infiltrated

australian politics circa abbot pyne and hockey

carry on regardless



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« Last Edit: May 24th, 2014 at 7:00pm by it_is_the_light »  

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Re: mincing poodle pyne directs bishop
Reply #96 - May 25th, 2014 at 12:54am
He is loathsome little man who up until this incident used remind me of Alexander Downer. The difference is that Mr Downer would not have used such colourful language language on the leader of the opposition. Mr Pyne is courageous, stupid or both for stooping to such a low level.

He should have been thrown out of parliament for bringing question time into disrepute because has the moral fibre of a drug dealing sex trafficker, the charisma of an accountant and the charm of a drill sergeant.
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Christ Light

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Re: mincing poodle pyne directs bishop
Reply #97 - May 25th, 2014 at 6:55am
He is loathsome little man who up until this incident used remind me of Alexander Downer.

many blessings and goodness gracious

dandyboy downer~!


that one went straight to the vatican

to join the crossdressing freemasonic cult of

moloch and baal to kiss the ring

Downer supported Australia's participation in the Iraq war. He argued that Iraq, the Middle East and the world would be better off without the regime of Saddam Hussein and he defended the claim that weapons of mass destruction would be found in Iraq.[26][27][28]

"  Downer pledged his support to Howard and said he would "kneecap" anyone who undermined Howard's second attempt at winning the prime ministership.[9] "

lol at this effeminate pretending he can kneecap

men , this being preys on the weak

and would find his shortcomings when

confronted with any real living flesh

and flowing blood ' man '

he is forgiven


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« Last Edit: May 25th, 2014 at 7:05am by it_is_the_light »  

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Re: mincing poodle pyne directs bishop
Reply #98 - May 25th, 2014 at 7:04am
it_is_the_light wrote on May 25th, 2014 at 6:55am:
He is loathsome little man who up until this incident used remind me of Alexander Downer.

many blessings and goodness gracious

dandyboy downer~!

that one went straight to the vatican

to join the crossdressing freemasonic cult of

moloch and baal to kiss the ring

"  Downer pledged his support to Howard and said he would "kneecap" anyone who undermined Howard's second attempt at winning the prime ministership.[9] "

lol at this effeminate pretending he can kneecap

men , this being preys on the weak

and would find his shortcomings when

confronted with any real living flesh

and flowing blood ' man '

he is forgiven



Further proof of the End Times.

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Christ Light

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Re: mincing poodle pyne directs bishop
Reply #99 - May 25th, 2014 at 7:10am

Alexander Downer [ Clarke and dawe]

how have these effeminate freemasons

become leaders of men ?

can you imaging dandyboy downer and cris pyne

leading the cry to charge the enemy ?

in this scene one such as I am would have

many fine and honourable beings beside me ..

comprimised dupes like pyne and downer

i would do without ..

as we charge !!!

in the divine and SACRED LIGHT

and so it is so be it !

namaste !

- : ) =
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Re: mincing poodle pyne directs bishop
Reply #100 - May 25th, 2014 at 7:14am
Dear master Light,
according to PZ547 all previous PMs were mad including Abbott now:

author  PZ547

It's true

They are

Just because we get one psycho after another doesn't mean we shouldn't acknowledge it and say so

I mean, the US has the same problem

and the UK

Yes.  They're mind-controlled rseholes


sociopathic narcissists

Or is someone suggesting Rudd behaved like the guy you'd want to teach your kids or marry your favourite daughter?

His entire party said he was nuts.  They went further.  Many utterly refused to work alongside him

Then we turn to Gillard -- frequent flyer to Israel and back.  Never told us that, did she?  Same woman whose boyfriend was running shonky fake union accounts.  Same woman who was President of Year of the Lesbian and who slept with married guys (her memoirs) and crooks.  Dyed her hair every day.  Talked slowly to us, JUST LIKE ABBOTT as if she was a newly trained relief teacher at a special school.  Faked being a damsel in distress - even lost her shoe like Cinderella, except they had to call in extra heavy-weight body guards to play the role of rescuers of fake damsel.  When in fact, Gillard could have taken on the entire crowd plus the body guards, on one shoe

Now we have Abbott, trained by Mossad and MI5 in how to destroy and entire country in under a year -- now it's been softened up & weakened by Rudd, Gillard and the Faceless Men

Damn right they're all nuts.  No-one sane could get to the bottom tier in politics.  They screen them for those desirable narcissistic traits.  Look at Pyne.  Ok, don't look at Pyne, it's an ugly sight.  He's a little tur.d.  How did he get to where he is when all over this land are men and women deserving of the job and who'd serve us well

Hansen Young.  Milne.  Sane?  No, seriously -- you think they're sane?

And now we have the Pretender -- Palmer.  Controlled opposition?  And he's our great white hope?

Look back at the crooks and crims who've led this country from the highest standard of living in the world to a minor US state


Scum.  All scum

Holt was murdered
McMahon was ----------- ?
Gorton vomited nightly because of the political slime he had to walk amongst all day

It's amazing any Aussie bothers to get up in the morning.  Amazing Aussies are civil to each other on the joke called public transport.  Aussies have watched their once proud nation turn into a multicultural stew polluted by Israeli porn, GM corn, UK treachery and Chemtrails

Yes, imo Rudd was a mess and Abbott's a crim

Shorten's playing along with Abbott

Who knows what Bowen's doing, but one things for sure, he'll be obeying the same rseholes as the rest

That leaves who --- Milne? 

Palmer ?

You'd think we don't have any sane characters in Oz, wouldn't you?  And after the line-up above, you'd be thick not to see what's going on

Maybe the Euthanasia party will surge ahead, bolstered by all the Aussies who just want to die early and get out of this tragi-comedy
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Christ Light

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Re: mincing poodle pyne directs bishop
Reply #101 - May 25th, 2014 at 7:19am
holt was murdered by mossad ,

research and yes

these are pychopathic freemasonic fairygodmothers

with pms and a satanic mesiah complex


these are forgiven as they depart


- : ) =
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Re: mincing poodle pyne directs bishop
Reply #102 - May 25th, 2014 at 11:33am
it_is_the_light wrote on May 25th, 2014 at 7:19am:
holt was murdered by mossad ,

research and yes

these are pychopathic freemasonic fairygodmothers

with pms and a satanic mesiah complex


these are forgiven as they depart


- : ) =

Yes master Light,
Rudd certainly came across as someone with a messiah complex:

author  PZ547

I don't 'hate' him. Hate is way too personal a term. I don't personally know him

However, I do detest him

It's my personal opinion that Rudd is mentally unstable

The way he speaks, for one: that 'Schoolkid reading a book to the class' voice he uses. It's not normal. It's not manly. It's affected. He sounds like a precocious ten-year old who's in love with himself

Then there are the Transvestite-type asides which he injects into his Schoolkid-Reading-a-Book style monologues about himself -- when he inserts what he appears to believe is Bruce Willis type 'menace' .... as in his lowered voice as he hissed, 'It's not going to happen' --- accompanied by a glare like a bitter old auntie who's cake got second-prize at the fete

* All the posturing
* the monologues about himself -- always about him
* the Bates Motel type voices and facial tics
* the self-pity -- invariably when he's caused the problem himself
* the blaming of others - when he's to blame
* the attempts to sound like fifty different people simultaneously
* the venom
* the anger
* the weirdness
* the petulance
* the temper tantrums, like a spoiled brat
* his utter self-absorption to the exclusion of everyone, everything else
* his self-promotion - which isn't matched by reality
* his vengefulness
* his spitefulness
* his unfettered, massive, beyond belief size ego
* his conceit
* his impotence
* his self-serving disloyalty

Just the sight -- let alone the sound -- of Rudd blathering on endlessly about himself ... is enough to cause me to switch off the tv

He seems to believe he is a combination of Churchill, Menzies, JFK, Caesar, Einstein, John Wayne and an entire battalion of Rhodes Scholars, plus

He seems to believe it his destiny to be the ultimate, entire-world's Grand Statesman

To me, Rudd is an impotent, gender-confused little twat who spent (and spends) WAY too much time with himself, envisioning himself as an acknowledged mental and political Giant. In other words, it's my belief he's delusional -- is extremely fantasy-prone -- is literally IN LOVE WITH HIMSELF. To the point I suspect he probably kisses his own reflection in mirrors and hogs the bathroom in order to do so constantly

I think he's mad as a hatter and I'm glad he's been shot down, hopefully for good and in time for an army of psychiatrists to put him in a padded cell for the duration

So I don't know why others hate him

but above are my opinions of him

I think he's nuts -- flat out nuts

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Christ Light

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Re: mincing poodle pyne directs bishop
Reply #103 - May 25th, 2014 at 1:50pm
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DaS Energy
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Re: mincing poodle pyne directs bishop
Reply #104 - May 25th, 2014 at 2:17pm
Aussie wrote on May 24th, 2014 at 5:27pm:
Mr Energy.  You are labouring under a misapprehension.  The Speaker is not and never has been the Sovereign's Representative in Parliament.

Quite correct she in all manner is Her Royal Majesty
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