Jesus was a REAL man,
and he was 'terribly' crucified 'innocently' to his death.
Just as the German killing of the Jews 'en mass' was terrible.
But as Jesus said unto 'his' Jewish People
when they used a Roman middle-man to crucify him to his death.
"Wait till my little brother Hitler gets yas!"
Jesus, alas - was innocent.
But both Jesus & Hitler were both 'un-orthodox' in their relation to Judaism.
Will a man who becomes a great warrior by his own accord,
be accepted by 'The System' compared to a man 'trained by the System' to be a great warrior also.
There can be only one.
As Religion (Middle-East) 'oppressed' Europe, was 'plagerised' (copied) by Asia and kept Africa in the 'dark' (continent).
Jesus - was the sacrifice of the human/individual masculinity of Europe.
This is why - soon!
You will see the Moslems do to the French
what the Germans did to the Jews.
..and why other 'circumstances' will arise towards
a Jewish Leader 'uniting' with his Moslem People.