Quote:I've had need to breastfeed a child in a bus to stop him from crying. The covering with a light handkerchief served us both.
It is a matter of good taste and self respect
I also did same, with a light bunny rug.
Something has to be said for the difference between conspicuous and inconspicuous, and yes, self respect.
I have no problem with a mother feeding her bub, in public, without it being so brazen and obvious, the typical attention seeking without any dignity of "look at moiye".
Saw this happen recently, a mum stuck both her tits out, so obviously, while waiting for a lift, in front of all the whole dining area at a shopping centre. Bubby didn't seem interested in having lunch much, was too distracted and busy watching everything else going on all about. It was a scene that told me, something didn't seem proper here. She is an idiot.
Wearing a tight top so she had no choice but to expose herself.
Now c'mon folks, there is a difference between the way some mums handle a breast feeding infant....some very respectably and wise, and then some...otherwise.

My adult kids have friends now with new bubbies, and have shown to be able to breast feed with dignity.