Soren wrote on Jun 12
th, 2014 at 12:00pm:
Karnal wrote on Jun 12
th, 2014 at 1:41am:
Soren wrote on Jun 11
th, 2014 at 10:58pm:
Karnal wrote on Jun 11
th, 2014 at 9:55pm:
Please excuse me for anticipating your reply, FD, but a strange thought just passed my mind.
Here you are lauding Abu for being a decent, right-thinking Muslim while accusing G for telling fibs.
But you don’t want to judge individual Christians for their beliefs or discuss what they believe.
Despite the daily Bible quotes, it’s never even crossed your mind.
Would you care to explain this discrepancy in "core tenets"?
What do you like about Islam, PB? What has it given you that made you a better PB; made your life and the the lives of others around you better?
I can't think of a single thing that would recommends it ahead of all the alternatives but you seem to be always on the lookout to defend it? So what is Islamic sunshine in your life, PB? Can't be just the camel piss, shurely.
As a Christian, dear boy, what do you get from Christianity?
Oh, that’s right - you’re an atheist.
Is this the correct version of Christianity, FD?
So - What do you like about Islam, PB? What has it given you that made you a better PB; made your life and the the lives of others around you better?
Or would you defend anything and everything
just because it is disliked by people you dislike?
What's your thinking (if that's the word)?
Dislike? But, dear boy, I like everyone!
We all have a contribution to make - this is how knowledge and ideas grow and spread. Knowledge is quite secular that way.
What I like about Islam is the idea of jihad, a spiritual struggle with your own faults. I also like the rule about giving alms to the poor. The idea of submission to the Almighty is also interesting to me, although it's not really my path. There are a few others, but essentially, these
are the "core tenets" of Islam.
I have no real interest in Islam - unlike you and FD. My interest is in the particularly modern phenomenon of deliberate ignorance - what John Ralston-Saul calls the Unconscious Civilization; a process that, for Alain de Botton, renders us "truly shallow and irresponsible" citizens.
For de Botton, we've given up seeing the world around us and making our judgments of reality based on our observations. Instead, we trawl through our UK Daily Mail articles and our Jihadwatch sites, and this is meant to tell us what's happening in our very own neighbourhoods and lives.
For most here, Islam is so far from their own lives it is completely irrelevant to them. And yet, they blame it for all their problems.
What's worse is they pretend to know something about it - Islamic jurisprudence, ethics, textual interpretation, relationships and culture. They pretend to know what's going on in distant civil wars and complex social/political issues. These issues are dumbed-down, misinterpreted and deliberately misconstrued - each and every time.
But crucially, this process of willful ignorance is held up as a virtue. If anyone questions this process, they're a PB, an appeaser, a spineless apologist, a pretend Muslim.
This process, of course, is not just the work of Islam board posters. The recent debate on Muslim child marriage in Sydney quoted the Community Services Minister, Pru Goward. If you question the information Pru Goward provided, as any Community Services caseworker would be required to do in an investigation, you're seen as standing up for Islam and/or approving of paedophilia.
This is the dearth of the Enlightenment - of every value that underpins Western civilization - of every value we believe separates us from the Muselman. It's groupthink, tribalism and supersticion on a grand scale, and when we seek out the source of many of the rumoured "truths", we find them to be deliberately fabricated lies.
What's worse is that exposing these lies is seen as foul play. We
should have lies if they help in the smear campaign. Even when the lies are exposed - and Bolt has been found guilty of this many times - the lies are systematically repeated in the hope that they'll become truths.
This is not a Muslim issue, it's a question of ideology. It's not a defence of Islam, it's a defence of facts. People have given up observing what they see and regressed to an almost trance-like state, propagated and sustained by foreign media, the new opiate of the masses.
The Godfathers of the Enlightenment have been forgotten. Descartes, Locke, Voltaire - all cast aside in a modern tribal attack on a non-existant enemy.
If that's the word, that's my thinking.