Karnal wrote:
Quote:Right again, M. I believe Muhammed, pbuh, is believed to be the final prophet, and that this is a universal belief among Muslims.
Personally, I think this is a ludicrous claim.
I think the physical second coming of Christ is a ludicrous claim too, but that’s just me - how could I ever know?
I think the second coming of Christ refers to your own enlightenment. I don’t think it’s meant to be an historical event.
Muslims, however, do not believe Muhammed was the final messenger of God. Apparently the Koran talks about other messengers and other prophets. These messengers are too numerous to mention, but some Muslims follow them. I’ve met Muslim yogis and Muslims following gurus in the Hindu/Vedic tradition. India has a long history of Muslim saints and gurus, and the ones I’ve met don’t believe their religion prevents them from following other spiritual traditions. They even recite Sanskrit mantras and prayers. Some spend their time meditating in the Himalayas - I’m reading a book by a Muslim yogi right now.
Now, I don’t know if this is forbidden in Islam or not. Muslims, however, do follow other teachers and messengers outside the Islamic tradition.
Yes I admit that there is a difference between a prophet and a messenger. however this does not detract from my stance that the qur'an cannot be changed or revised. It actually reinforces it.
From this
sourceWe learn from the Quran that every prophet is also a messenger, but not every messenger is a prophet. Only prophets are sent with scripture to deliver
As a result, and in accordance with 33:40, Muhammad was NOT the last messenger. He was the last prophet, which means that there will be no scripture delivered after the Quran.So
muslims believe the qur'an cannot be changed or revised, they believe there can never be any scriptures revealed or delivered after the qur'an.
Therefore the tenet still is binding on all muslims:
muhammad was the last prophet, he was granted a shari'ah or the law that was perfect and final requiring no revision in the days to come.
For the teaching of the last prophet were to be everbinding, to remain unchanged to the end of time, he was sent as a acme of perfection with over-flowing guidance and resplendent light. There can be no revision of the qur'an.So far nothing has been presented to show that the muslim who rapes, tortures and murders, as the qur'an instructs him to, is not the true muslim (who follows the literal commands in the qur'an).