freediver wrote on Jun 15
th, 2014 at 5:04pm:
I don't think you represent the views of either Gandhi or Mandela.
To what extent did Gandhi attempt to censor discussion of British troops beating Indian protestors?
Oh, I see now. You’re saying I’m trying to censor your eyewitness accounts of barbarous attrocities and stop you getting the message out to the rest of the world.
Well, why didn’t you just come out and say? Really, FD, you’re too polite. Sometimes you need to just spiit it out, you know.
Yes, I can see how you’d think that. When Sprint told fibs about things G hadn’t said, I probably shouldn’t have opened my big mouth. After all, they’re all
Muslims. And when Y told a few white lies about Muslims in non-Muslim countries (like the ones in my street), I should have just kept quiet and not put myself out on a limb like that - quite rude of me. After all, Y’s only interested in preventing me from being beheaded. He might have even saved my life. Then there’s Herbie and the Muslim library book scam - who was I trying to fool there? If Herbie believes it, that’s his right in a Freee society. Well, he later admitted he didn’t believe it, but he wanted to make
us believe it so badly it was clearly important to him. Then there’s Halal and underage marriage and Muslim grooming gangs and Taqqiya and all that other sordid business I should have kept quiet about, I can see how it’s important that this is all expressed even if it’s not, you know, completely true.
That’s our right in a Freee society, isn’t it? If we want to make things up about others and have a bit of a chuckle, it’s not like we’re actually bothering anyone else. And anyway, so what if we are?
You mentioned bikies - what am I doing about them? I don’t actually know any bikies, but I’m sure they’re all terrible people. But that’s hardly the point - I shouldn’t
have to know them. Why can’t I just join in like everyone else?
You’re right, FD. This sort of meddling is really going to get me nowhere. At the end of the day, it’s about Freeedom. If people want to have a laugh and tell a few tall tales, who am I to stand in the way? It’s all good fun, and it’s all about Freeedom.
Thanks for helping me to put things into perspective. This apologist racket really has to stop. Facts? Truth? I’ve forgotten the other one, but it’s all ridiculous - completely inconsistent with Freeedom.and demokracy. You let me know if I slip up in future, you just come out and say it. It might even help if you can.make a few amendments to what I’ve said to help me see things more clearly.
Better still, pull a word or two out of a post and seek clarification on it for a few pages. If I don’t respond in time, write me up for evasion - that should help.
The important thing is that we maintain Freeedom at all costs. As we both know, this precious commodity is currently at risk from those who seek to censor us and destroy our marvellous way of life.
Thankfully, FD, we have defenders of liberty like yourself, and we should never forget this.