Datalife wrote on Jun 16
th, 2014 at 6:08pm:
Karnal wrote on Jun 16
th, 2014 at 5:37pm:
Datalife wrote on Jun 16
th, 2014 at 5:03pm:
Karnal wrote on Jun 16
th, 2014 at 4:55pm:
Datalife wrote on Jun 16
th, 2014 at 4:11pm:
Karnal wrote on Jun 15
th, 2014 at 10:11pm:
All we’ve experienced is a few "behead all those who insult the prophet" photos.
Not from lack of trying. It will be a bad day when beardy weardies inspired by the religion of peace let off a bomb or two in Australia. Then you are going to see some prejudice and subsequent radicalisation in a worsening cycle.
Oh, that happened years ago, it's old news. The Hilton Bombing was organised by the beardie wierdies in the NSW Police Special Branch.
'Twas thinking more of Aussies and westerners targeted at Bali and the plots to commit atrocities at Holsworthy.
No matter, no doubt in my mind you will be apologising and deflecting long after the first bombs go off.
Or do you believe that oz as a developed and liberal western nation would be immune to the beardie weardies? If so you might want to explain the reasoning behind your belief to the security agencies who take beardie weardies pretty seriously.
Bali's in Indonesia, Datalife. It's the next country up.
This is a thread about spineless, limp-wristed apologism. Kindly stick to the subject, thanks. FD won't have any off-topic questions. Believe me - I've tried.
The developed and liberal Western nation of Australia has this apologist phenomenon called the rule of law. Unless you're the NSW Special Branch, it applies to all equally - Muselman, Freeedom-supporter, spineless apologist, all.
Back in the 70s, the Special Branch beardie wierdies took the Ananda Marga, a Hindu meditation group, very seriously. They even managed to pin the Hilton Bombing on them.
How times have changed, eh?
Indeed they have. May have escaped your attention that it is your beloved musselmen these days blowing up planes and trains, hotels and bars, places of worship and each other with monotonous regularity and with particular attention to the liberal west.
Still, you keep worrying about the Lutherans. Or was that just an attempt to deflect?
Datalife, your deflection of a discussion of an actual terrorist bombing in Australia is admirable. Your switch to a terrorist "plot" that consisted solely of phone calls was an excellent diversion - as was your deflection of Indonesian bombings, although this might upset those on the board who’ve been calling for the Indonesians to be bombed for years.
And we wouldn’t want to do that. After all, no one has the right to not be offended.
Full marks for terrorist apologism there, but you lost a few in the limp-wristed category. Under FD and Herbie’s criteria, the Muslim plotters were just exercising their Freeedom to have a good old whinge, and as we know, speaking out against such behaviour is worse than terrorism itself.
Hopefully FD will be back to steer us in the right direction, but we’ve lost Herbie, I’m afraid.
Herbie’s practicing restraint - a quality I’ve been arguing for throughout the thread. Herbie is that most rare of wise men. He understands that speech is silver, but silence is golden.
We could all learn a lot from Herb, I feel.