Probably because it was buried among 10-1 Muslim terrorism events.
Let see how well they did the last few days.
2014.06.22 Israel Golan Heights 1 3 Syrian terrorists kill an Israeli teen with a rocket fired over the border.
2014.06.20 Syria Hama 35 50 The Islamic Front claims credit for a truck bomb that rips the life out of three dozen bystanders.
2014.06.20 China Xinjiang 5 0 Two policemen are butchered by Islamic radicals, who then burn three others to death.
2014.06.19 Pakistan Peshawar 3 6 Three people bleed to death following a Shahid suicide bombing at a family home.
2014.06.19 Philippines Jolo 7 13 Abu Sayyaf fundamentalists ambush and slaughter seven local soldiers.
2014.06.18 Iraq Tal Afar 1 2 ISIS send a rocket into a home, killing a 10-year-old girl and severely maiming her mother and sister.
2014.06.18 Pakistan Hangu 7 1 Three women are among a family of eight slaughtered in their home by sectarian Jihadis.
2014.06.18 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Islamists plant a bomb in a doctor's car, killing him and a nurse.
2014.06.17 Kenya Poromoko 15 12 Islamists burn down a neighborhood, kill fifteen residents and abduct a dozen women.
2014.06.17 Nigeria Damaturu 24 21 A suicide bomber praises Allah before self-detonating at a World Cup viewing venue, killing two dozen fans.
2014.06.17 Iraq Sadr City 12 30 A dozen innocents at a packed market are disassembled by Sunni bombers.
2014.06.16 Thailand Pattani 1 2 Muslim terrorists rake a vehicle with gunfire, killing a 44-year-old Buddhist woman.
2014.06.16 Thailad Songkhla 1 1 A grocer is murdered in his store by suspected 'separatists'.
2014.06.16 Iraq Tal Afar 5 0 Five 'enemies of Allah' are captured, taunted and then shot on video by proponents of an Islamic state.
2014.06.16 Iraq Sadr City 10 25 Ten shoppers at a largely Shiite market are torn to shreds by a Sunni bomb blast.
2014.06.16 Egypt Cairo 1 0 A police officer is picked off by Muslim Brotherhood snipers.
2014.06.16 Iraq Baqubah 44 0 Forty-four Sunnis are executed by Shia militia.
2014.06.16 Kenya Mpeketoni 53 25 Over four dozen people watching a World Cup match are cut down by al-Shabaab after they are singled out as non-Muslims for failing a quiz on Islam.
2014.06.16 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A civilian is blown off his motorbike by a Muslim bomb.
2014.06.16 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 0 Taliban roadside bombers take out five members of the same family.
2014.06.15 Iraq Baghdad 12 30 A Religion of Peace car bomb at a bus stationproduces a dozen corpses.
2014.06.15 Nigeria Daku 25 15 Boko Haram militants storm a Christian village and open fire on a market, killing at least two dozen.
2014.06.15 Iraq Tal Afar 10 40 Ten people are killed when Sunni militants mortar a Shia city.
2014.06.15 Iraq Mosul 24 0 An ISIL video shows the round-up and execution of two dozen Iraqis.
2014.06.15 Somalia Baidoa 1 0 al-Shabaab pull a man out of his vehicle and behead him.
2014.06.15 Kenya Mpeketoni 1 0 A father is gunned down in front of his family after Islamists identify him as a Christian.
2014.06.15 Iraq Sadr City 3 7 Sunnis detonate a bomb inside a Shiite owned food shop, killing three patrons.
2014.06.15 Pakistan Latifabad 1 1 A 22-year-old woman is tortured by her family for marrying without their permission. Her husband is killed.
2014.06.15 Yemen Aden 9 10 Suspected al-Qaeda fire point-blank into a bus, killing at least nine riders.
2014.06.15 Iraq Khales 6 0 At least six innocents are killed when ISIL send mortar rounds into a neighborhood.
2014.06.15 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three men are executed on video after failing a 'Quranic quiz'.
2014.06.15 Afghanistan Herat 0 11 Fundamentalists cut off the fingers of eleven men for disobeying them by voting in an election.
2014.06.15 Iraq Baghdad 15 8 Fifteen shoppers are pulled into pieces by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.