Here the Quatrains of Mitchel of Nostradamus warning us of this new power emerging in the Middle east, which goal, as it name suggests is to conquer all the levant countries ( Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Cyprus , the Turkish region of Hatay and Egypt) and it is boosted by Alqaeda, an evil organization which headquarters are somewhere in Afghanistan ( Tartaria in times of Nostradamus).
Quatrain 55.54
From the Black Sea and the great Tartaria,
A king shall come to see France,
He shall go across Alane (Russia) and Armenia,
And shall leave a bloody rod in Byzantine.
Comment: Tartaria is located in Central Asia, Siberia perhaps. Russian troops shall initiate from the Black Sea region, conquering Turkey, Italy, and eventually will reach France.
Out of Arabian axis,
Shall be born a strong master of Mohammedan law,
Who shall vex Spain, conquer Granada,
Plus by sea shall invade Lygustic people.
Comment: Muslim fundamentalists under Iranian leadership shall conquer Spain and invade Italian coasts.
Actually many people believe that nostrodamus predicted the rise of radical or fundamental islam in the 21st century but these kinds of people will still twist and distort any words from any qaintrain of nostrodamus to fit any specific historical event