wally1 wrote on Jul 11
th, 2014 at 9:00am:
I have no problem with the hijab, jewish skull caps, hindu turbans, any other modest clothing people wish to wear.
These outfits are worn
precisely and mischievously by immigrant communities in contradiction of promoting harmony and compatibility with their neighbours in secular Western societies.
They are fully aware that this sartorial ostentation irritates the locals.
In this regard the hijab is by far the worst offender because it is not required by Islamic edict.
These outfits are worn in the full knowledge that they are confrontational and alien to the host nation, and promote a separate identity that is not in sympathy with that of the host culture.
wally1 wrote on Jul 11
th, 2014 at 9:00am:
I personnally dont like tattoos on people, i think there stupid, doesnt mean i dont treat them right or fairly.
I hate tattoos also ... and I treat the idiots who wear them with open hostility, abusive derision, and flip them the middle finger whenever these halfwits catch my eye.
The local bikie gang in my area don't ride past my place any more because they know they'll cop a mouth-full from me as I stand in the middle of the road with my dick hanging out. After scaring them the first time, they've learnt not to come this way again. Size
does count.
wally1 wrote on Jul 11
th, 2014 at 9:00am:
Seems like your the issue, Herbie.
I can't be the issue any more ... I'm retired.